Katherine Weber
Christian Post Reporter
Pastor Rick Warren: God Wants You to Share Your Talents With Others
Our God-given gifts are meant to be shared with others, Pastor Rick Warren says.
Billy Graham Answers: If God Is Invisible, How Can You Have a Relationship With Him?
God's invisibility does not prevent anyone from forming a close relationship with Him, the Rev. Billy Graham says.
Pastor Mark Jones: What Does the Bible Says About Who Will Go to Heaven?
God's people are allowed to enter Heaven thanks to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit and their relationship to justification, adoption, and sanctification, Pastor Mark Jones says.
5 Bible Verses to Help You Conquer Your Fears
When you're feeling frightened and afraid, take comfort in knowing that God is always with you and will triumph over evil. And know that you can depend on Him and the Holy Spirit that dwells within you for inner strength and courage.
Rick Warren: You Can Accept Others Without Approving of Their Lifestyle
To show God's love to others, Christians must offer their acceptance, not necessarily their approval, Pastor Rick Warren says.
John Piper: Christians Must Prepare for the End Times Now
Christians must be prepared for the End Times, John Piper says, pointing to the parable of 10 virgins as evidence for the need to be ready for Jesus Christ's second coming and the urgency to evangelize those who are not yet saved.
Man Returns Thomas Kinkade Jesus Statue After Stealing It 2 Years Ago, Asks for Forgiveness
A recovering drug addict in Indiana has returned a large sculpture of Jesus Christ to an art gallery after stealing it nearly two years ago.
5 Inspirational Bible Verses to Help You Enjoy Your Retirement
While some people look forward to retirement, others meet it with dread and fear. Remember, God wants you to take time to enjoy the beauty of His creation and the fruits of your labor. Reaching retirement age doesn't mean that your mission in life is over, God still has much work for you to do as you continue to live out His plan for your life.
Billy Graham: We Can Change Our Future, With God's Help
Although we aren't able to change our past, we as Christians can always change our future through a relationship with Christ, the Rev. Billy Graham writes.
Rick Warren: 3 Ways to Harness God's Power in Your Life
There are three ways to get God's power in your life, says Pastor Rick Warren says.