Kelly Williams
Op-Ed Contributor
God’s peace and the world’s peace are not the same
Peace is not just a feeling, it is also a condition, a mindset, a state of being.
What evil has God asked you to confront in your life?
What evil has God asked you to confront in your life?
What Democrats, Republicans reveal to Christians about Jesus this year
As I take inventory of the landscape of our nation, I have been greatly disappointed this past year in both the Democrats and the Republicans.
What does it take to be a great pastor?
May you be known by your spouse, your children, your grandchildren, and generations to come as one who was great for God.
How was David a ‘man after God’s heart’ if he was a polygamist?
How do we wrestle with the tension and answer the question, “If King David is a man after Gods’ own heart, why so many wives?”
Tired of the burden you're carrying? Pray this prayer
When you are frightened, burdened, terrified, consumed with worry, weary to the point of quitting, pray this and watch God work through you, around you, and, yes, for you.
A pastor's response to Alistair Begg's gay wedding advice
If I apply Pastor Begg’s approach to other areas of my life, then when someone needs an abortion, and although I don’t agree with it, I should still drive them to the clinic as a way of demonstrating my love for them.
How to balance forgiveness and trust
How do we find a balance between forgiveness and trust? Unfortunately, these two words get misused at times in relationships, especially by the one who is causing the offense.
Why I stayed a pastor: A response to viral 'great pastor resignation' article
The Great Pastor Resignation has continued in our world since the global pandemic. And I personally would be a liar if I said I had not considered it too. Pastoring was difficult before the global pandemic, but it feels unbearable since then.
Who was the first female evangelist in the New Testament?
It’s not your gender or the color of your skin that determines your calling, it is God!