Lillian Kwon
Christian Post Reporter
Wheaton College Lawsuit Dismissed; Given One Year to Comply With Contraception Mandate
Though a federal judge recently dismissed a lawsuit filed by Wheaton College against the Obama administration over its contraception mandate, the evangelical college is claiming partial victory for rewritten "safe harbor" regulations.
Exodus Head: Gay Christians Can Go to Heaven; Jesus Didn't Say 'I'll Make You Straight'
In an interview with Lisa Ling, Exodus International President Alan Chambers reiterated his beliefs that gay Christians can go to heaven. Chambers also commented on the need for churches to change their approach to homosexuals.
Exodus Board Member Defends Alan Chambers Against Criticism Over Gays in Heaven Comments
A board member of Exodus International, a ministry that helps those struggling with same-sex attraction, maintains that a believer's salvation is secure not because of one's performance but because of Jesus.
Calvinism Debate: Southern Baptists Form Team to Figure Out How to Work Together
As debate over Calvinism has become heated in the Southern Baptist Convention, one of the denomination's key leaders announced this week that he has formed a group to figure out how to work together.
Media Bias in Family Research Council Shooting?
TV news coverage of Wednesday's shooting at the Washington, D.C., offices of conservative group Family Research Council has either been scarce or slow to report on the possible political motive, says one media watchdog.
Pro-Life Giant Nellie Gray Dies; Tributes Pour In
Pro-lifers across the country are mourning the loss of Nellie Gray, the woman behind the largest annual pro-life demonstration in the country – the March for Life. "She's been a true heroine of this movement," Jeanne Monahan told CP.
Ind. Megachurch Encouraged to Hear God's Voice After Pastor's Dismissal
As First Baptist Church of Hammond reels from an unexpected sexual scandal involving its pastor and a teen girl, a guest speaker recently encouraged the congregation to try and hear God's voice.
Christian Group InterVarsity Regains Recognition at SUNY Buffalo
InterVarsity is no longer a de-recognized organization at the State University of New York at Buffalo. The university's Student Wide Judiciary ruled that it is "common sense" and not discrimination for a religious group to want its leaders to agree with its core beliefs.
Have Christians Reduced Salvation to 'Get Out of Hell Free' Card?
Has salvation been reduced to a "Get Out of Hell Free" card? That's what one Southern Baptist believes. Ken Keathley, professor of Theology at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, N.C., says many Christians are presenting salvation as a "commodity that Jesus purchased and now offers."
Over 60 Christian Leaders Tell Chick-fil-A: We're With You
More than 60 leaders of Christian and pro-family organizations signed a letter extending their support for Chick-fil-A President Dan Cathy and his biblical position on family.