Mark Smeby


  • Finding Contentment by Rearranging Furniture

    Finding Contentment by Rearranging Furniture

    I've viewed my peace seeking efforts as mostly internal. Like, between me and God. Mostly, it's time in my recliner. Or time driving in my car. And usually there's classical music playing. It's an intentional settling-down of my innards.

  • I\'m on My Way to Hope

    I\'m on My Way to Hope

    I want to be one of those people who can focus on what I'm turning into, rather than focusing on how I might feel like I'm being held back right now. The best is yet to come, and I'm on my way.

  • 4 Lies That Really Crush Your Hope

    4 Lies That Really Crush Your Hope

    What lies are you believing?

  • How to Become a Champion of Hope

    How to Become a Champion of Hope

    The news succeeds when they create fear and anxiety in their viewers, and promise to get to the bottom of it all, just after the next commercial break.