Mark Tooley

Mark Tooley

Op-ed contributor


  • 1 million United Methodists exit in 1 day

    1 million United Methodists exit in 1 day

    The United Methodist Church in the Ivory Coast voted on May 28 to exit the denomination. In 2022, this conference reportedly had over 1.2 million members.

  • United Methodism’s last meaningful general conference

    United Methodism’s last meaningful general conference

    I will miss the idea of a great national denomination, as American Christianity becomes post-denominational. But the new, less centralized expressions of Christianity in America will continue and even amplify God’s work.

  • John MacArthur vs. Christian nationalism

    John MacArthur vs. Christian nationalism

    Such Christian nationalists disdain MacArthur’s 20th-century brand of premillennial dispensationalism that assumes the church’s role is chiefly saving souls before the end times.

  • Erasing Jesus from Israel

    Erasing Jesus from Israel

    This statement was very unfair and very stupid. When dealing with terror strikes like October 7, what are the alternatives to “violence?”

  • Understanding key differences: Christian conservatism vs. Christian nationalism

    Understanding key differences: Christian conservatism vs. Christian nationalism

    Nearly all self-identified Christian Nationalists are Calvinists, typically Presbyterian like Wolfe, but often theologically Reformed Baptists like the subjects of the Politico article.

  • Asbury revival – My reflection 1 year later

    Asbury revival – My reflection 1 year later

    One Asbury Seminary professor recounted his brief visit to the university auditorium, citing a great sense of serenity. He could have stayed for hours, he said. But like the woman healed by the mere touch of Jesus’s garment, as he described it, he felt whole and left contentedly after 90 minutes.    

  • Pope Francis and Protestants

    Pope Francis and Protestants

    Catholic thinkers would provide the intellectual leadership for the more numerous evangelical spearcarriers. With evangelicals, Catholics could potentially create a political majority for social conservatism.

  • Resenting rich men north of Richmond

    Resenting rich men north of Richmond

    The fallen human condition is such that every person and every group has misguided and often selfish views of what is best.

  • The politics of Jesus

    The politics of Jesus

    Religious views that are perceived to be imposed become unpopular, and the coercion enforcing them becomes ultimately unsustainable.

  • ‘Christian Nationalism’ and mocking victims

    ‘Christian Nationalism’ and mocking victims

    Mocking genuine victims hearkens to a more brutal, pre-Christian ethos in which strength and not lowliness is esteemed.