Michael Brown
Op-ed Contributor
Dr. Michael Brown (www.askdrbrown.org) is the host of the nationally syndicated Line of Fire radio program. His latest book is Evangelicals at the Crossroads: Will We Pass the Trump Test? Connect with him on Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube.
Israel under attack: Pray for God’s merciful intervention
Heartbreak. Shock. Agony. Devastation. Confusion. Rage. These are just a few of the emotions flooding the hearts of millions of Israelis in the midst of an unprecedented terrorist attack by Hamas. This is a time to stop and pray for the merciful intervention of God.
Love compels us to drop the transgender terminology
Love does what’s right even when it’s unpopular. That’s because love is driven by reality rather than perception. Love is driven by truth.
To Pastor Andy Stanley: Jesus drew circles and lines
Jesus made Himself perfectly clear, drawing a massive circle that invited sinners of every sort and stripe (including you and me) and laying out clear lines as well.
Is David Pakman right about America trending more to the left?
Is the case closed? Not so fast. There are actually numerous signs pointing in the opposite direction. A new, conservative-based, counterculture revolution is on the rise
The significance of God naming Solomon ‘Jedidiah’
Did you know that Solomon had another name in the Bible? And did you know that there is a special message for all of us found in Solomon’s other name?
Why the thought of retirement sounds odd to me
Our vision is multi-generational. Why would we think of retiring?
My loyalty is to the Lord, not to a political candidate or party
When it comes to voting, I have my lines drawn in the sand. Should a candidate move from those lines, I have not abandoned him. He has abandoned me.
Why Reformed Cessationists should not quote church history to support their position
Although it is common for my Calvinist, non-charismatic friends to point to church history in support of their cessationist position, it’s really a mistake for them to do so. A big mistake.
Whatever happens, don’t lose your grip in God
Weeping may endure for a night — sometimes for a very long night — but joy will come in the morning (see Psalm 30:5). As surely as the sun sets, it will rise again.
If you could only choose one characteristic for a presidential candidate, what would it be?
For argument’s sake, though, let’s play by the rules of the poll and pick just one answer. What would your response be, and why?