Michael Brown
Op-ed Contributor
Dr. Michael Brown (www.askdrbrown.org) is the host of the nationally syndicated Line of Fire radio program. His latest book is Evangelicals at the Crossroads: Will We Pass the Trump Test? Connect with him on Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube.
The coming collapse of our secular universities?
Are our secular universities, especially those leaning most radically left, soon to collapse — or at least, soon to lose their current positions of power and influence?
Feeding kids garbage: Think 4-year-old, bondage, surgical mutilation
Yes, this garbage was being foisted on 4-year-olds. What kind of madness is this? And how is this not a form of child abuse?
A prophetic message concerning the 2024 elections
But the last thing we need to do now is look to “the prophets” for election guidance. (I put the words in scare quotes because not everyone who calls himself or herself a prophet really is one.)
4 years later Google’s search bias is as blatant as ever
Talk about political correctness on steroids and beyond.
When radical leftists support children identifying as minotaurs, you know that sanity will prevail
And what, exactly, are some of those “hybrids?” There is “Gender Prius,” meaning you’re “a boy in the front and a girl in the back.” And there’s Gender Minotaur, combining “the body of a man with the head of a bull.”
Should we humanize the abortion debate?
By God’s grace, may we turn the tide of the nation, one baby and one heart at a time. May we become a pro-life people!
How to pray for the elections
Can we possibly go wrong if we pray in this way?
I preached my first sermon 50 years ago
My two best friends and fellow band members came to faith shortly before me (in fact, the first time I attended a church service, which was in August 1971, I went there with the express purpose of pulling my friends out!). And our pastor believed that all three of us were called to preach.
ChatGPT, Jesus and the trans person
We too should look on trans-identified people with kindness and, without condemning or driving them away, help them to find wholeness from the inside out. It’s the Jesus way — the real Jesus.
Progressive religion may be dying but the Gospel is thriving
Is “religion” — meaning the Christian religion — dying worldwide?