Nicola Menzie
Christian Post Reporter
Kanye West's Pastor-Friend Believes His 'Rich In Faith' Reality Show 'Will 'Encourage a Lot of People'
Rich Wilkerson, Jr., pastor of Vous Church in Miami and close friend of Kanye West and Kim Kardashian, recently shared that he has wrapped filming for his upcoming Oxygen reality show and is "believing it's going to encourage a lot of people."
Hillsong Church Pastor Bobbie Houston, Horrified by Islamic State's 'Theology of Rape,' Mobilizes Women Everywhere to Pray
Stirred by a report of how the Islamic State uses the Quran to justify systematic sexual violence against women and young girls, Hillsong Church pastor Bobbie Houston has called on women everywhere to pray over the shocking and abhorrent situation in any way they know how.
'Prophet' Confronts Pastor John MacArthur With Message 'From God' That He Is 'in Error' Before Congregation
A man clad in black declaring himself to be a prophet took California megachurch pastor John MacArthur and congregants by surprise when he purposefully stormed the altar to deliver a message of rebuke that he claimed was from God during a recent Sunday service.
Outspoken NFL Star Benjamin Watson Takes on Race and Religion in First Book 'Under Our Skin' After Ferguson Response Thrust Him Into Spotlight
After initially ignoring calls to write a book about his thoughts on certain hot-button issues, NFL tight end and outspoken Christian Benjamin Watson has decided to tackle race and religion head-on in his first book, "Under Our Skin: Getting Real about Race—And Getting Free from the Fears and Frustrations that Divide Us."
A Noose or Not: Painter's Rope Dangling From Oral Roberts University Tower Blows Up Internet
In what might be called an ink blot test on the national mood, a photo of a length of rope dangling from the celebrated Prayer Tower at Oral Roberts University was perceived by some as a hangman's noose and subsequently blew up on the Internet this week.
Joyce Meyer Was Never Paid $900,000 and Her Nonprofit Does Not Pay Expenses for Or Own Board Members' Homes, Rep Says in Q&A About Financial Practices
For a recent article about Joyce Meyer Ministries' latest annual report, The Christian Post contacted its representatives with questions about the contents of the financial statements and also sought clarification on previously reported controversial aspects of the nonprofit.
Joyce Meyer Ministries Addresses Lingering Controversies About Financial Practices
A representative for Joyce Meyer Ministries insists that the non-profit organization has long valued transparency and financial accountability and was not, in fact, moved to make significant changes to its financial operations due to being targeted by a Senate investigation or scrutiny from investigative reports.
Bishop T.D. Jakes Says He Has Not 'Evolved' on Homosexuality and Does Not 'Endorse' Gay Marriage
Bishop T.D. Jakes has clarified that his method of ministering to gay people who choose to attend The Potter's House church was "evolving" and said he does not endorse same-sex marriage, after a recent HuffPost Live interview led some viewers to believe that he had "shifted" in his biblical convictions regarding human sexuality and marriage.
Gay Couple at Center of Hillsong Controversy Say They've Been 'Open and Forthright' About Relationship 'From the Get-Go'
The two gay men at the center of a controversy regarding their involvement with popular and influential Hillsong Church insist they have been open about their relationship from the very beginning, and "have been in conversation with Hillsong NYC's lead pastors regarding the church's non-LGBT affirming stance."
Christian Politician and Sons Allegedly Bilked 300 Believers Out of $18 Million Using End-Times Fear of 'Mystery Babylon'
A former Tennessee state legislator and his two sons have been charged with multiple counts of wire fraud for allegedly conning more than 300 Christians into buying gold and silver through their financial consulting company, and did so by convincing victims they needed to guard themselves against "mystery Babylon," a reference to the End Times.