Nicola Menzie
Christian Post Reporter
NYC Rapper Brimstone, Saved in Prison, Combines Passions for Rap and Evangelism Into a 'Train Ministry'
A Gospel rapper, who said Jesus "saved me from everything ... all types of evil" while he was an inmate at notorious Rikers Island prison, is on a mission to spread the Good News on the subways of New York City, because he believes that is what Jesus wants him to do.
'If Not Us, Then Who?' Asks American Pastor Delivering Aid to Refugees at Syria-Turkey Border
A New York City pastor known for traveling around the world to deliver aid and comfort to afflicted communities and persecuted Christians was most recently in Reyhanli, Turkey, aiding refugees fleeing civil war in nearby Syria.
US Pastor Helping Muslim Syrian Expats Care for Refugees in Turkey Says Many Feel Hopeless
A New York City pastor who also travels internationally as a missionary recently shared with The Christian Post the kinds of stories he has been hearing from refugees who fled war-torn Syria while volunteering alongside Muslim expatriates at a clinic in Turkey.
Pastor With 9,000-Member Congregation Says Churches Should Stop Focusing on Numbers
J.D. Greear, lead pastor of Summit Church in Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina, has been noted for taking a 300-member church and growing the congregation to more than 9,000, making it one of the 100 fastest-growing churches in the U.S. So perhaps Greear can afford to say that pastors should stop their obsession with "gathering and counting" and instead get excited about the possible impact of "raising up and sending out" their members.
Pope Francis' Chair for Special Mass Built by Day Laborers Unveiled at NYC's Madison Square Garden
A chair fit for the pope and made by a group of day laborers has been unveiled at New York City's Madison Square Garden, where Francis is scheduled to lead about 20,000 people in mass later this month.
Can Affirming Gay Christians Be Evangelical? Russell Moore Says No, and Not to Expect Actual Evangelicals to Change Their Minds
Russell Moore believes definitions are important, especially when it comes to terms like "Evangelical" and "gay Christian," the prominent Southern Baptist leader recently revealed in a discussion about what he thinks is at the root of divergent beliefs about human sexuality among Christians.
What Is America's Largest Protestant Denomination Doing to Combat Predatory Prosperity Preaching?
The lobbying entity of the nation's largest Protestant denomination has made it clear that it is against predatory practices that take advantage of the poor, having joined a broad coalition earlier this year organized to "raise awareness about families in financial crisis and how high-cost lending negatively impacts them." But what is the high-profile Christian ethics advocacy organization doing to protect vulnerable believers from preying prosperity preachers?
Bible Epic 'Risen' Linked to Mel Gibson's 'The Passion of the Christ' Faces Questions of Anti-Semitism Months Before Release
Sony Pictures Entertainment has closely linked its upcoming faith-based film "Risen," about the hunt for Jesus Christ's crucified body, to the controversial 2004 blockbuster "The Passion of the Christ," claiming that the thriller picks up where Mel Gibson's top-grossing Christian film leaves off. But like its predecessor was accused by some critics of being anti-Semitic, "Risen" is also facing questions about perceived troublesome portrayals of some of its Jewish characters.
Pope Francis' Meeting With 9/11 Families and Multi-Religious Service at Ground Zero to Be Highly Symbolic
The eyes of the world will be on Pope Francis when he makes a visit to the western hemisphere next month, stopping first in Cuba before heading north to Washington, D.C., New York City and Philadelphia. But his stop at the Ground Zero memorial in NYC amid commemoration of the deaths of thousands due to terrorism has been described by organizers as an "extremely important event for the world."
Prosperity Gospel Preacher Paula White Invites Donald Trump to Private 'Prayer Service'
Republican presidential contender and celebrity billionaire Donald Trump will meet privately with a group of prosperity gospel and televangelist Christian leaders at the behest of Florida megachurch pastor Paula White.