Rachel Ford
Christian Post Correspondent
Catholic Priest Sues Pro-life News Site for Defamation
Canadian Catholic priest, Father Raymond Gravel, has filed a lawsuit against a pro-life news service for presenting him as \"pro-abortion.\"
Christians Urged to Cooperate in Creating Egypt's New Gov't
Egyptian Christians have been urged to cooperate with Muslims to ensure equal rights for the minority group as the nation begins the process of forming a new government.
Afghan Convert to Christianity to be Executed within Days
An Afghan aid worker is facing execution within three days for converting to Christianity. Said Musa was told by a judge that he would be hanged
Churches Burned over Indonesia's Blasphemy Case
Two churches were burned and another destroyed Tuesday as thousands of angry Muslims demanded the death sentence for a Christian man convicted of blasphemy against Islam.
Figures Show Rising Number of Displaced Iraqi Christians
A growing number of displaced Iraqi Christians are seeking refuge in the country\'s north, as insecurity and fears for safety drive families from their homes, according to the International Organization for Migration.
Indian Christians to Protest False, Unfair Reports on Anti-Christian Violence
Thousands of Indian Christians will peacefully take to the streets of Bangalore on Saturday, protesting the publication of a \"false and unfair\" report last week on anti-Christian violence.
Christians in Egypt Hope for Freedom amid Protests
In a time of political uncertainty and major civil unrest, Christians in Egypt are praying that freedom will come to the minority group, whose stance on the longstanding Mubarak regime has been divided.
Land Granted for Catholic Hospital, University in Iraq
A regional Iraqi government has gifted the land needed for the construction of a Catholic hospital and university in Erbil, northern Iraq.
Call for Prayer as Cyclone Yasi Hits Flood-Ridden Parts of Australia
Salvation Army Australia has called on the country to unite in prayer as cyclone Yasi rips through the already flood-ridden state of Queensland.
Nigerian Police Avert Attempted Church Bombing in Bauchi
Nigerian security officials foiled an attempt to bomb a church during a packed Sunday service in Bauchi city.