Shane Pruitt and Sam Rohrer

Voices Contributors


  • Stop Trying to Get God to Like You

    Stop Trying to Get God to Like You

    Hopefully, at some point, the power of God's love will overwhelm you to the point that you would never settle for God merely liking you! Strive for more. Don't settle, until you settle in the depths of the Father's love for you.

  • A National Dilemma: Prestige to the Basements of Banishment

    A National Dilemma: Prestige to the Basements of Banishment

    We would like to believe that our nation is experiencing a genuine return to decency; but that assumption is false because the acknowledgement of God is nowhere in the public debate.

  • Why Do Some People Love Jesus but Don't Like the Bible?

    Why Do Some People Love Jesus but Don't Like the Bible?

    Is it possible that we are worshipping a Play-Doh Jesus? Meaning, the main reason we don't have an issue with Jesus is because it's a Jesus that we've created by our own imagination? We'll shape, mold and bend him to be what we want him to be.

  • According to the Bible, There Is No Such Thing as a Millennial

    According to the Bible, There Is No Such Thing as a Millennial

    In the Kingdom of God, there is no such thing as a Millennial. That is a man-made term with a man-made definition.

  • Why 'Believe in Yourself' Is Awful Advice

    Why 'Believe in Yourself' Is Awful Advice

    "You just need to believe in yourself!" How many times have we been told this statement as a pep talk?

  • 6 Reasons You Can't Ignore the Holy Spirit

    6 Reasons You Can't Ignore the Holy Spirit

    One of the most important things we can do as Christians is to constantly remember the job descriptions of the Holy Spirit. The résumé of the Holy Spirit could literally fill large libraries!

  • When Someone Dies, Does God Gain Another Angel?

    When Someone Dies, Does God Gain Another Angel?

    In the midst of this grasping and searching for the right words to help others, or to even to soothe our own souls, we tend to believe and say things that are not necessarily biblically true.

  • 3 Ways to Respond to Criticism

    3 Ways to Respond to Criticism

    In life, there are three things that we can't avoid: death, taxes, and criticism. From the suburbs of Texas to the urban areas of New York to the jungles of the Congo to the mountains of Nepal, people are desperately trying to figure out how to respond to criticism.

  • The Problem With 'God Just Wants Me to Be Happy'

    The Problem With 'God Just Wants Me to Be Happy'

    Over the past 15+ years of ministry, there have been multiple times when I've counseled with a husband, or my wife has counseled with another wife, who wanted to leave their spouse.

  • When Christians Mistreat Restaurant Servers Right After Worshiping God

    When Christians Mistreat Restaurant Servers Right After Worshiping God

    The alarm goes off on Sunday morning waking you out of beauty sleep. You've got to get up this time because you've already hit the snooze button seven times.