33 Pastors and Christian Leaders Unafraid to Speak Up for Life

In the current flashpoint for the pro-life movement — sparked by an ongoing undercover video investigation of Planned Parenthood — eyes are being opened on the moral issue of abortion. This past weekend an estimated 70,000+ people showed up at 352 protest rallies across America, most held in front of Planned Parenthood clinics.
The nation's largest #ProtestPP rally, attended by more than four thousand in St. Paul, Minnesota, was promoted heavily by evangelical pastor John Piper who spoke at the gathering. Such moral leadership raises a key question.
While the Catholic Church has been unequivocal in its pro-life stance and public advocacy, what of Evangelical Christians — who encompass a vast diversity of denominations, generations and backgrounds?
Signs point toward Evangelical churches beginning to find their voice, speaking up for vulnerable pre-born lives. The following 33 leading evangelical Christian voices, by no means a comprehensive list, illustrate how believers are bringing a light of conscience to our culture.
Rick Warren | Senior Pastor of Saddleback Church and Author | Lake Forest, CA
More Americans have died by being aborted than died in all the wars we've fought combined. A generation of talent is missing.
— Rick Warren (@RickWarren) July 22, 2015
Todd Wagner | Senior Pastor, Watermark Church | Dallas, TX
Best way to #ProtestPP today. 1-Pray 2-Prepare https://t.co/VsmfP8rpEt 3-Love LIFE (everyone you meet) 4-Let others know truth-SPEAK UP
— Todd Wagner (@wordsfromwags) August 22, 2015
Christine Caine | Speaker and Founder of The A21 Campaign | Baulkham Hills, Australia
PLEASE READ THIS! RT @AnnVoskamp: Our humble outrage must grow into helpful, holy outreach... https://t.co/aufPxCN7i7
— Christine Caine (@ChristineCaine) August 7, 2015
David Platt | President of the International Missions Board, Author and Former Pastor | Birmingham, AL
Abortion is not primarily a political, social, women's, or children's issue. It is a God issue: http://t.co/H5gifnkEeh
— David Platt (@plattdavid) July 27, 2015
Harry Jackson | Senior Pastor of Hope Christian Church, Speaker and Author | Beltsville, MD
#AnotherBoy For you fashioned my inmost being, you knit me together in my mother's womb
— Harry R Jackson Jr (@BishopHarry) July 30, 2015
John Piper | Chancellor of Bethlehem College & Seminary, Author and Former Pastor | Minneapolis, MN
Before it is too late, let every knee in Planned Parenthood bow and confess, "Jesus is Lord!" to the glory of God the Father.
— John Piper (@JohnPiper) July 15, 2015
Chelsen Vicari | Director of Evangelical Action, the Institute for Religion & Democracy | Washington, DC
Grateful for a fiancé willing to spend Saturday morning protesting Planned Parenthood selling baby parts. #ProtestPP pic.twitter.com/WU3AmNEed9
— Chelsen Vicari (@ChelsenVicari) August 22, 2015
Jim Garlow | Senior Pastor of Skyline Church and Radio Host for Alliance Defending Freedom | San Diego, CA
My speech @protestPP on Aug 22 @abortuarySanDiego @killingbabies http://t.co/JQMX090YbI
— Jim Garlow (@JimGarlow) August 24, 2015
Randy Blankenship | Lead Pastor, New Life Church | Kokomo, IN
"An abortion kills the life of a baby after it has begun. It is dangerous to your life and health." - PP -http://t.co/IJ5fOZCMYB
— Randy Blankenship Sr (@CRBlankenship) August 20, 2015
Ed Stetzer | Church Planter and Lead Pastor of Grace Church | Hendersonville, TN
Mainline Protestants and progressive evangelicals: you promised a prophetic voice and that's what we're looking for: http://t.co/NgNroI3tg5
— Ed Stetzer (@edstetzer) July 17, 2015
John Hagee | Senior Pastor of Cornerstone Church and Founder of Christians United for Israel | San Antonio, TX
1/3 of #PlannedParenthood 's $ comes from gov't, your tax $ funds #abortion #sellingbabyparts. Contact your senator/congressman. #DefundPP
— Pastor John Hagee (@PastorJohnHagee) August 11, 2015