5 Evangelical Leaders React to Kavanaugh Sexual Assault Accusation

Robert Jeffress
Jeffress, the pastor of First Baptist Dallas and a regular Fox News contributor, has not been shy in his support and defense of Trump and his administration. He has also been one of Trump's most loyal evangelical advisors.
In an interview with Fox News, Jeffress assured that support from the White House for Kavanaugh is "as strong as ever."
Jeffress asked if Democrats are "guilty of collusion in anyway with Dr. Ford to derail a Supreme Court nomination."
"If the FBI is going to investigate something, that is what they should investigate," Jeffress said.
Jeffress was asked how the White House and Senate Judiciary Committee should handle the claims of a woman who says that she was traumatized.
"I think the president and his team have done a masterful job of navigating this challenging and changing situation," Jeffress said. "I think first of all, we have got to look at the credibility of both parties. What I do know is that Kavanaugh is agreed to questioning by Dr. Ford's attorney in this hearing on Monday and it was [Sen.] Susan Collins' call for cross examination that apparently caused Dr. Ford to pull out and say, 'No, no, no. We want an investigation.' I think that raises questions."
Jeffress was also asked to respond to a claim from AlterNet.org.
The claim reads: "Had a Democratic nominee for the Supreme Court been accused of attempted rape, the Christian Right would be demanding the nominee's immediate withdrawal. But Kavanaugh, regardless of Ford's accusation, will get a pass from the Christian Right because they see him as part of their tribe — just as [Justice Clarence] Thomas got a pass in 1991, and just as President Donald Trump has been getting a pass."
"That is not fair and that wouldn't happen," Jeffress responded. "The Democrats feign this concern of abuse of women. They say they are so concerned about that when their real objection to Brett Kavanaugh is that he would restrict in any way the murder 700,000 females in the womb to abortion every year. That is rank, gross hypocrisy and it is on display for America to see right now."