5 Evangelical Leaders React to Kavanaugh Sexual Assault Accusation

Tony Perkins
Perkins, president of the Washington-based social conservative advocacy group Family Research Council who has also informally engaged with the Trump administration, issued a post on his Washington Update blog on Tuesday. He questioned why Feinstein sat on Ford's uncorroborated allegation for six weeks if people are "supposed to be concerned" about it.
"Perhaps it's because [Democrats] are more concerned about how to use the allegation than whether or not the allegation is true," Perkins wrote. "Welcome to Washington, D.C. where such political theater is regularly on display."
Perkins stressed that the truth of the allegation is one thing but "how it is being used is another." He stressed that "methods have the right to be questioned."
"At the same time, many (including many women who knew him years ago) have firmly vouched for his character and integrity," Perkins wrote.