5 Reactions to the Violence in Charlottesville
5. Outing of Alt Right Protesters

Since the photos of the Unite the Right rally went viral online, social media has taken to identifying those involved in the white supremacist rally.
One of those identified was Cole White, who according to a Daily Mail article was fired from his job at a California restaurant.
Another person identified from the march was University of Nevada student Peter Cvjetanovic, who reported getting death threats after he was revealed on Twitter as being part of the rally.
"He said the threats have been violent and graphic. He said he is not telling anyone his plans to return to Nevada for fear he may be attacked," reported the Reno Gazette-Journal.
"He said he would not confirm whether other UNR students were at the rally for fear of anyone else's safety. He also would not identify what clubs he is in involved it at UNR, but said he has been an active student."