7 Reactions From Christian Leaders to Trump's Nominee Brett Kavanaugh for US Supreme Court

President Donald Trump's nomination of Judge Brett Kavanuagh to the United States Supreme Court on Monday evening has drawn near universal praise from prominent Christian leaders in America.
Megachurch pastors, from Greg Laurie to Jack Graham, and the leaders of some of the biggest conservative groups hailed Kavanaugh's credentials, and said that citizens can trust him to defend their rights and liberties.
They urged the U.S. Senate not to delay confirming the nomination, and pushed back against Democrats who've vowed to oppose the nomination even before Kavanaugh was announced.
Christian leaders also urged fellow Americans to pray for Kavanaugh and his family as he looks to fill the all-important Supreme Court vacancy left behind by the retiring Justice Anthony Kennedy.
Here are seven reactions from some of the biggest Christian leaders and conservative groups in America: