7 Reasons I Have a Hard Time Trusting God
#1 - Something happened to us in our past that has caused us to say, "if God loves me, then how can He have let this happen to me?"

#2 - Our circumstances in life are nowhere near where we thought they would be--in spite of us trying to do the right thing.
#3 - Someone who claimed to be a Christian really hurt us at some point, and we think if that's what God is like- so we want no part of it.
#4 - We are control freaks - and fully surrendering our lives to Jesus is something we can't quite seem to do.
#5 - We believe that God is a taker and not a giver. (Despite what John 3:16 says!)
#6 - We do not believe that His ways really are greater than our ways (Isaiah 55:8-9).
#7 - We want Jesus to be a part of our lives, but to fully surrender to Him would mean we may need to make changes...which is not something we really want to do.
This article was originally posted here.