Defund Dr. Frankenstein!

Defund the WPA!
Oh, wait, the Works Progress Administration, a Roosevelt New Deal federal agency providing Depression-era unemployed with jobs, was dissolved on June 30, 1943. By then the United States was deep in the Second World War, recruiting everyone possible for its military, and putting everybody else to work in war-related industries.
The WPA quickly became the relic of another time.
Now, there's another relic of a terribly misguided past that is still drinking from the government bucket.
Not since Dr. Frankenstein's minions went scouring through cemeteries and morgues for body parts have we seen anything as sinister as Planned Parenthood's tissue racket.
Well, we could mention Nazi concentration camps and Dr. Mengele's laboratories. Many in the establishment do not like that comparison. They feel it to be a worn-out, unfair cliché. But the violation of the sanctity of human life is a grim cloth of one piece, whether early twentieth century pogroms aimed at annihilating Jews, Stalin's slaughters of his own countrymen, Hitler's horrors, Klan lynchings, ISIS massacres, or any of the other horrors wrought by fallen human nature.
It's amazing to me that the high-minded who push for spiritual, cultural, and ideological equivalency cannot see the equivalency between these terrors and the abortion holocaust.
Poor Dr. Frankenstein was born more than a century too soon and in the wrong country. Were he plying his trade in today's America he might have been dashing out to his mailbox to pick up his current grant-check from Uncle Sam or from a fat corporate foundation eager to keep Margaret Sanger's vision of human re-engineering alive.
In the classic 1931 movie about the hideous doctor and the monster he contrived from body parts there's an eerie scene in which the finger of the giant strapped to an operating table slowly curls.
"Look! It's moving!" shouts Dr. Frankenstein. "It's alive… It's alive… It is moving…!"
"Henry — in the name of God!" says a shocked bystander.
"Oh, in the name of God!" yells Dr. Frankenstein. "Now I know what it feels like to be God!"
And that's the bottom line. Since Lucifer's grab for the throne of the Most High prior to creation, Adam and Eve's attempt to push God aside in the Garden, and the attempts by all the rest of us to reject God and enthrone ourselves in His place, that is always the end-game. "You shall be as gods" was the bait with which the serpent snared Adam and Eve and all humanity.
Edwin Black is an investigative journalist and the son of Jewish parents who survived the Nazi Holocaust. In 2003 he wrote a striking piece, "The Horrifying American Roots of Nazi Eugenics." Black's essay was published by George Mason University's History News Network.
"Eugenics was the racist pseudoscience determined to wipe away all human beings deemed 'unfit'," wrote Black.
He tells of how forced sterilization and segregation were "enshrined as national policy" in the early twentieth century. California, though always ready to be the trend-leader, was just slightly behind, becoming, in 1909, the third state to enact laws to enforce the policies on the state level.
Then as now, corporate entities, including businesses and universities, supported that era's political correctness with money and influence. In 1904, Black notes, the Carnegie Institute collected data on millions of Americans to see which bloodlines and families were polluting the gene pool and might become subject to removal. The Rockefeller Foundation provided money for the eugenics experimentations of Dr. Josef Mengele before he switched his research to Auschwitz, says Black.
Race was on everyone's mind in the early twentieth century because of the Civil War and Reconstruction.
"Elitists, utopians and so-called 'progressives' fused their smoldering race fears and class bias with their desire to make a better world," Black wrote.
The passion is still there, and it is amazing that the United States Congress would have to debate cutting off government funds for Planned Parenthood.
Texas Governor Greg Abbott, Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, and their supporters in the Texas Legislature had no problems with that, and recently sliced Planned Parenthood from the state Medicaid program.
"The gruesome harvesting of baby body parts by Planned Parenthood will not be allowed in Texas, and the barbaric practice must be brought to an end," said Abbott.
Barbaric as it is, violence against abortion providers and their clinics is an evil in itself. Those who practice it try to end barbarity by more barbarity, a betrayal of the highest ethics of the Judeo-Christian worldview. Political courage as Abbott and others have modeled will provide a constitutional solution in the form of laws that protect the unborn and the elderly (euthanasia is also a growing problem in the death culture).
On the other hand, those who argue for continued funding resort to the same utilitarianism that drove the debates in the early twentieth century and the reasons the Nazis gave for their eugenics policies. Years after it ran Edwin Black's article exposing the raw pragmatism of early twentieth century eugenics, George Mason University's History News Network changed its tune. The "antiabortion movement" is spreading "misleading rhetoric" about the good intentions and practical outcomes of "fetal research," a writer lamented.
The University was trying, maybe, to get on the right (politically correct) side of history, as any must who want to continue in the fellowship of the contemporary elite. At some point, however, principle has to displace pragmatics. That principle, derived from the Judeo-Christian worldview, is found in the Preamble to the Declaration of Independence, and affirms that life is the fundamental human right.
Stay on the utilitarian road and we wind up in Dr. Frankenstein's lab, Dr. Mengele's hellish research center, or at a tony table sipping wine and discussing the sale of baby body parts.
It's time for the federal government to do what Texas and other states have done: defund Dr. Frankenstein.