
Are You Blocking God From Converting You?

Anyone can be converted to Christianity....even you. If you have already been converted through faith in Christ, then you are thankful for it. That spirit of thankfulness is part of the proof that you have truly been converted. If you have not yet been converted, you have no idea how you will look at things after your conversion. You have not been there yet....all you have are preconceived ideas of what it must be like....and most of them are probably wrong.

So here is the issue my friend....are you open to having God convert your soul? Are you open to believing what millions of people have believed over the past 2000 years as they have been converted to Christianity? Many people have a closed mind when it comes to Christ.

Rather than being free thinkers, they have locked themselves within their own box of personal beliefs about God. Their beliefs are wrong. That is a big reason they are not yet converted. They assume they are right....or at least that Christianity is wrong. That is the same thing as believing that Jesus was wrong. You will never be converted by believing that Jesus was wrong.

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In order to be converted, a person must deal with Jesus. A person must come to terms with the One who is 100% God and 100% Man. There is only one God....Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Three Persons in one God. Once you are converted, you will have an easier time accepting the doctrine of the Trinity. That doesn't mean you will fully understand it. Only God fully understands His own nature. But as a believer, you will accept it with the faith of a child.

Speaking of childlike faith, that is what it will take for you to know God....I mean really know Him. You may say, "I am a grown person, and you want me to start thinking again like a child!" Well....Christ said that unless you do, you can never enter the kingdom of God. (Mark 10:15) Without childlike faith, you will always tend to think that you are smarter than God....and smarter than God's Word....and smarter than Christianity.

Let me tell you something in are not smarter than God. You need Jesus, whether you think so or not. That is the absolute nature of Christianity. It's not like some people need Jesus, while others don't. We all have the problem of sin. We all need the Savior. But you may have another problem may be blocking God from converting you. That is a massive problem for everyone who chooses to do it.

Jesus says, "Come to me..." (Matthew 11:28) The Bible says, "Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your heart." (Hebrews 3:15) In other words....if you hear His voice, don't block Him from converting you. You may be very close today to salvation....or, you may be a long way from it. It all hard, or soft, is your heart toward Jesus? How closed, or open, is your mind toward the Savior? How convinced are you that Christianity is wrong and Jesus is wrong?

I encourage you to try something....if you are open-minded. Ask God right now to reveal to you the truth about Jesus. That's simple enough, isn't it? The only thing standing in your way is your self-determination, your preconceived notions, and your sin of unbelief. If you refuse to ask God to show you the light, then I guess you are left exactly where you choose to an unconverted state.....with no "living water" inside your soul. Oh yes, there really is living water....there really is the living presence of God within every person who has been converted. (John 4:14)

That's all just "theory" to you right your unconverted state. You don't taste it with your don't see it with the eyes of don't believe it....that is, not if you are still spiritually blind. It won't become a fact to you until you stop blocking God from converting you....and then believe the truth in your heart and mind about Jesus....and forgiveness....and eternal life.

Conversion happens as you embrace what Jesus did on the cross and believe He died for your sins....and your eternal salvation....out of love for you. After your spiritual conversion, you want to start living for Him in response to His grace and goodness to you. You actually begin to love God....rather than just thinking about him in some theoretical or abstract manner. You literally become God's child. I's a wild concept for you right now....but check this out. This is what God's Word says about the believer: "You received the Spirit of sonship. And by Him we cry, 'Abba, Father.'" (Romans 8:15)

A person cannot really understand what it is like to have a loving earthly parent unless he experiences it personally. The same thing is true with Christianity. Until you experience it, God is distant to you....and He seems harsh and unloving. After you are converted, you begin to know Him as a loving Father who takes good care of His children. If you desire such a relationship with God, Jesus put in the work so you can have it. It's all right there for the taking.

On the other hand, if you don't want to receive the love of Jesus in your heart, God will allow you to refuse His offer of grace and eternal life. Man can reject God if he really wants to do so. I truly hope and pray that doesn't describe your heart right now. When it comes to can lead a man to the crossroads, but you can't make him drink.

Thanks for considering this appeal. I make it to you on behalf of the Lord. That's what we do as Christians. We seek to help others know what we didn't know before our conversion. We are beggars telling others where we have found bread....the Bread of Life. We were in poor shape without Him, but now our lives are filled with holy joy and real peace....all because of the One who now lives within us.

We just want that for you....that's all. We know you too will want it one day....but we hope you come to realize your need for Him long before you are standing in front of Him on Judgment Day. That way....your life on earth will be rich in spirit....and your soul will be prepared and forgiven and ready to enter heaven.

Unless you receive forgiveness on earth, you cannot receive eternal life in heaven. It may sound bizarre to you right now, but that's the bottom line....not because Christians say so....but because Jesus said so. (John 3:36) His Word on the matter is the final word. Why anyone would want to block that out of their life is beyond me.

Dan Delzell is the pastor of Wellspring Lutheran Church in Papillion, Neb. He is a regular contributor to The Christian Post.

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