California lawmakers pass 'historic' bill package that 'erases the idea of an illegal abortion'

Bans tech companies, police from cooperating with states prosecuting an abortion
A number of provisions prevent the prosecution or civil action against women who had an abortion, abortionists or those who assisted the woman in obtaining one. The legislation intends to combat laws in states such as Texas, allowing for civil enforcement of its ban on abortions after six weeks gestation.
AB 1242 would block California law enforcement and other individuals from cooperating with other states' investigations into abortion procedures deemed lawful under California law. The bill would also block tech companies like Facebook from sharing digital information with out-of-state law enforcement agencies looking to enforce abortion bans.
The measure comes after Nebraska police obtained Facebook chats this year that helped prosecute a mother and teen daughter who received abortion pills to abort the teenage daughter's unborn child at 23 weeks gestation. Nebraska law bans abortions past 20 weeks gestation. The chats were obtained after Facebook was served with a warrant.
Measure AB 2091 aims to ensure that out-of-state subpoenas seeking information on a woman who has had an abortion are not granted and gives the Department of Insurance ability to enforce violations on healthcare providers that release certain medical records.
Similarly, AB 1666 prevents civil or financial penalties from being brought against women or abortionists who had or committed a legal abortion in California.
Professional boards also cannot revoke the license of an abortionist who commits a legal abortion in California or another state under the standard set by AB 2626.