CBN's Gordon Robertson Says End Times Prophecy About Israel Is Being Fulfilled (Interview)

Gordon Robertson, president of CBN and son of Pat Robertson, recently released the new docu-drama "In Our Hands," and says he sees end times prophecy being fulfilled with the nation of Israel.
Marking the 50th anniversary of the Arab-Israeli Six-Day War, CBN documentaries brought "In Our Hands: The Battle for Jerusalem" to theater audiences on May 23 for a one-night screening through Fathom events. The first screening of the film instantly became a top-grossing Fathom event and is now headed for a June 1 and June 6 encore.
The film brings to life the miracle battle of paratroopers' hard-won victory at Ammunition Hill that reclaimed Jerusalem's Old City and the Western Wall.

"In Our Hands," narrated by Robertson, shows how Old testament prophecy was fulfilled during the six-day war and "The 700 Club" co-host says he is seeing Scripture being fulfilled in Israel once again.
"One of the bad parts about prophecy in the Old Testament is the prophecy that all the nations in the world will gather against Israel," Robertson told The Christian Post. "In my absolute amazement the U.N. passed a resolution in December of 2016 condemning Israel and calling its ownership of East Jerusalem a blatantly illegal occupation. We're seeing the set up for that, for me we're in the time where we wait for the appearing of Elijah."
"The next thing to happen in the periodic time clock is the restoration of Israel and all the events in the Valley of the vision in Ezekiel 37 is God promising that He would put His Spirit in them," he added. "We're seeing the beginnings of that."
Robertson expressed his amazement in seeing the parallel between the Israel spoken of in Exodus and Israel now. He explained that as seen in the Old Testament — when God took people who were enslaved for 400 years and made a great nation — God is doing the same thing again.
"Here in Israel today, It's known as the start-up nation, it's known as an incredible place of innovation and all of this coming from a population of 6 million, a country the size of New Jersey. Yet the innovation pouring out of that nation today is absolutely miraculous," Robertson maintained.
"We're seeing that evidence and we're seeing a spiritual birth of the orthodox community not just in Israel but all around the world. It's growing and growing rapidly so things are happening and we need to understand from a prophetic point of view, a biblical point of view this is exactly what God promised, that there would be a flowering of Israel once again."
"The first time He created that nation, some pretty amazing things happened and a wonderful book was written," he stated. "I'm looking forward to the new things God is going to do with Israel."
"In Our Hands" details the story of Israel's 55th Paratrooper Brigade and how Israeli Defense Forces risked everything to take back their homeland.
For more information on the movie, click here.