Creation Ministries Releases 'Evolution's Achilles Heels' Trailer, Promise to Expose Evolution's 'Fatal Weaknesses'

Creation Ministries International has released the trailer for its new book and DVD documentary "Evolution's Achilles' Heels," which features commentary from 15 Ph.D. scientists on a mission to expose evolution's "fatal weaknesses."
"This project will be a very direct demolition of the very pillars of a foundational belief system that underpins our now-secular culture. It's coupled with the biblical command to reach the lost with the Bible's Good News. In a nutshell, it's a comprehensive outreach tool like no other," the organization's website promises.
The trailer, released on Tuesday, features a number of the scientists discussing research into the origins of life, natural selection, fossil records, the geologic column and other topics they say show evidence that the theory of evolution is not based on truth.
The makers of "Evolution's Achilles' Heels," set for a world premiere on October 17 in Atlanta, say that they aim "to take even more ground in the battle to proclaim the truth of the Bible."
"The book is like no other work that we are aware of, in that it is authored exclusively by nine Ph.D. scientists. Our hope is that this fact will cause evolutionists to sit up and listen. All of these authors received their doctorates from similar, secular universities as their evolutionary counterparts," CMI states.
The non-profit organization operates in several countries as separate autonomous bodies, but working as a federation of ministries under the same banner with united efforts.
"Our role is to support the church in proclaiming the truth of the Bible and thus its Gospel message. We provide real-world answers to the most-asked questions in the vital area of creation/evolution, where the Bible is most under attack today – Genesis," the Creationist group explains.
The question of human origins remains a hotly debated topic in the United States. A June Gallup poll found that 42 percent of respondents believe that God created humans in their present form about 10,000 years ago.
While that number is down four percentage points from the 2012 survey, the view that humans evolved without God playing any part in the process has risen four points to 19 percent in the latest poll. Additionally, 31 percent of respondents said that they believe humans evolved over millions of years, but with God guiding the process.
The survey, conducted in May with a random sample of 1,028 adults, has a margin of sampling error of plus/minus 4 percentage points at 95 percent confidence level.