
'Deadpool 2' Officially Confirmed as First Installment Hits $700 Global Sales, Creative Team to Return

Twentieth Century Fox announced its plans Thursday for a "Deadpool 2" film at the CinemaCon in Las Vegas. The announcement was made by Stacey Snider, the co-chairman of Fox. It was also reported that those who had been involved in the box-office-hit first film will be back for the next helping.

This means the return of Tim Miller, who had debuted as director of the first installment which is now the highest-grossing R-rated film ever. Miller was also the animator as well as visual effects specialist for the original film.

Writers Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick will also lend their creative talents to the sequel. They had been instrumental in encouraging Fox to invest in a solo outing of the character, along with Ryan Reynolds and Miller.

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The leading man, Reynolds, shall once more play the titular role of the smart-mouthed antihero, the disfigured Deadpool. It can be said of the first film that Reynolds' career had received a great jolt of rejuvenation by it, after having figured in a series of flops as "Green Lantern" and "RIPD." With the smashing performance of the first film, he would expect to make a great deal in bonuses, which would go up to $10 million and up, depending on how much more the film continues to gross.

The announcement for a second installment was not surprising, considering the first "Deadpool" film made phenomenal history in the box office, to date having taken in $754 million in global sales despite its R rating and at a mere $58 million budget.

Given the top-grosser status of the original film, one would think it natural that the sequel would need a higher investment to make a greater film enough to surpass the first, but that would not be the case, according to Wernick.

The writer expressed, "We don't want $150 million to go make the next movie; that's not Deadpool. Deadpool doesn't lift cities up into the air or battle aliens coming down to earth, that's just not Deadpool. So we're happy in that little small budget range that they have us in; we don't wanna blow this next one out."

Not much detail has been released besides the fact of the sequel being green-lighted, but Twentieth Century Fox has previously reserved dates October 6, 2017, and January 12, 2018, for future Marvel film releases which are as yet untitled. It is expected that "Deadpool 2" shall take one of those.

Those who knew where to look in the first film may have spotted a teaser for a character who may appear in the next one: Cable, who is, as Marvel Universe fans would remember, a time traveler.

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