Deitrick Haddon, 'Preachers of L.A.' Star on Receiving His Calling, Shattering Stereotypes (VIDEO)

Deitrick Haddon is one of the six mega-pastors featured on the upcoming Oxygen reality series "Preachers of L.A.," which premieres on October 9. Haddon is no stranger to the limelight and spoke of his upbringing, which prepared him for the ministry.
"I was pretty much groomed to be a minister in our church, and to ultimately take over the church in Detroit," Haddon told toofab's Lawrence Yee. "My dad is a bishop who has a lot of churches all over." Haddon said he received his call from the Lord when he was just 10 years old.
"God spoke to my heart. He was I was supposed to teach people and preach and sing the gospel. That day, I went to my mother's room and told her what I felt and what I heard in my heart. She said, 'Well, we'll put you up and if you're really called to preach we'll see what happens!'"
Haddon went on to have a successful career but has had a life filled with ups and downs. At one point he divorced his wife of 15 years and married current wife Dominique Mctyer, with whom he has a one-year-old daughter. His divorce and relationship with Mctyer cost him the pastoral position at a church he inherited from his father.
"I experienced that, how you can be so hurt from people and things that happen in life… When you go through something like that, you kind of lose your mind for a minute and I actually lost my mind for a minute. But thank God for His mercy and grace. He brought me back," Haddon told Yolanda Adams in a radio interview.
Haddon is currently on-tour and promoting his latest album, "R.E.D.: Restoring Everything Damaged." He spoke with The Christian Post about his hopes for the upcoming series and the message it gets across to viewers.
"I'm one of the producers of the show and I thought it was necessary for people to get an inside look on what it takes to be a man of the cloth. It's not easy. The problem we have in the church is we have been projecting perfection and allowing other people to put us on a pedestal when at the end of the day we are human just like them. I think people will go to church on Sunday and appreciate their pastor more because it's not easy to walk in such a high calling."
"Hopefully the show will dispel that whole thing about L.A. preachers getting all caught up in Hollywood," Haddon told toofab. "These are just men who are attempting to do what they were called to do. They happen to be in Los Angeles."
"Preachers of L.A." premieres on Oxygen Network on October 9.
Watch a trailer for the show HERE: