Did Attorney's Advocating for Gay Marriage Tell SCOTUS of Disease and Diminished Lifespans of Many Gay Men?

Faggots. This is the name of the 1978 book by LGBTQ icon, Larry Kramer. He's gay and a prophetic voice for 37 years warning of homosexuality's health hazards. He's director of ACT UP whose slogan is: "Silence – Death."
Many gay marriage advocates wish Larry would shut his mouth. His message undercuts the image of being "gay and blissful." Folks are uncomfortable adding unsavory elements like this to the conversation.
Do you think lawyers who presented arguments to the Supreme Court included the following?
"Chief Justice Roberts and esteemed members of the Court, while you will hear our efforts to persuade you to legalize gay marriage today, we must be mindful of serious, elevated health risks the gay lifestyle brings to multitudes. We must be responsible to examine medical data carefully…"
I don't think so.
King David, Israel's greatest ruler after whom Jerusalem was named, stated, "I do not conceal your love and your truth from the great assembly" (Ps. 40:10).
Did pro gay marriage attorneys not "conceal" but tell the whole "truth" in presenting their case?
Say it with me, "I don't think so."
Infuriating, Heartbreaking Story
Last year Entertainment Weekly magazine highlighted the "most important, infuriating, heartbreaking movie of the year" "Normal Heart," Larry Kramer's story. They cited chilling stats:
- 60 percent - the percentage of young Americans living with HIV today who are unaware they're infected.
- 36 million - the number of people who have died of AIDS since 1981
Mr. Kramer once addressed the LGBTQ community in New York. He also had tried to kill himself.
"I have recently gone through my diaries of the worst of the AIDS plague years. I saw day after day a notation of another friend's death. I listed all the ones I'd slept with. There were a couple hundred… I know I murdered some of them. I just know…several hundred over a bunch of years… Most doctors do not like to discuss sex or what we do or did. ... One doctor answered me, 'It takes two to tango so you cannot take the responsibility alone."
Recently, the Centers for Disease Control released findings on gay activity. The "love story" doesn't have a happy ending. The Gay and Lesbian Medical Association also underscores their very real, dangerous elevated risks:
- Substance and alcohol abuse
- Depression and anxiety
- Hepatitis
- STDs including syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, HPV and prostate, testicular, oral and colon cancer.
- Gay and bisexual men accounting for 75% of syphilis
- 78 percent of all new HIV infections are among males, overwhelmingly gays.
Psychological Reports and the International Journal of Epidemiology report: Homosexuals have a 20-year-shorter lifespan.
Stats can be impersonal and cold but if you've cared for a 30 year old gay friend until his excruciating death (I later officiated his funeral with his former gay friends) you feel the pain of a devastating, unnecessary loss.
Dr. Frank Spinelli wrote the following in The Advocate, a gay publication:
"My practice predominantly treats gay men. Guess how many texts and phone calls you might receive during any given weekend involving questions that have to do with… contracting HIV from unprotected sexual encounters? Now take that number and multiply it by 10 if that weekend should occur around Gay Pride, Folsom Street Fair, Gay Days at Disney, or any one of the Atlantis cruises. Welcome to my world!"
Our Declaration of Independence begins by referencing our Creator whom tens of millions believe designed a beautiful natural order for sexuality, marriage and family. Disregarding divinely established standards have brought epidemic STDs on America.
Charity and Clarity Can Make for a Happy Ending
Millions believe we shouldn't redefine marriage, opening the floodgates for polygamy, polyamory and pederasty. We should honor it as it has been defined for 5,000 years of Western Civilization (plus honored by every major world religion and 91% of the United Nations countries).
The spiritual, emotional, mental and physical well being of gays should be all our concern. Should we shrink back from sharing these realities, the result will be escalating death, disease and diminished lifespans.
For attorneys, advocates and uninformed people swept up by the "marriage equality" express, did you see Mr. Kramer's billboards along the way warning "Silence - Death?"