'Dirty baker's dozen': 13 companies facilitating sexual exploitation

The tech giant Google is responsible for 87 percent of the search engine market share in the world, according to NCOSE.
Google again was listed on the Dirty Dozen List because it has served as a facilitator of sexual exploitation in a number of ways, including the exposure of hardcore pornography to children and hosting questionable videos on its video-sharing platform YouTube.
“Google has been named to the Dirty Dozen List because it has failed to proactively address serious digital harms flourishing on YouTube, Google Chromebooks, and Google Images,” an NCOSE webpage on Google explains. “Further, Google is currently working to roll out large-scale encryption programs that could make it difficult for law enforcement to effectively find and intercept sexual exploiters of children and it could impact filtering for families and schools.”
According to NCOSE, Google has taken some “important steps” over the years to combat sexual exploitation, including by removing some apps from GooglePlay and censoring pornographic Google Ads.
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