'Dirty baker's dozen': 13 companies facilitating sexual exploitation

The media streaming service Netflix has over 150 million subscribers worldwide. While it is known for streaming original shows and movies, some of its content features “gratuitous nudity” along with graphic sexual acts and depictions of sexual assaults.
“Most of Netflix’s most popular (and most heavily-advertised) original shows are rated TV-MA (mature audiences only) frequently contain graphic sex scenes, nudity, and violence,” The Dirty Dozen List states. “However, Netflix shows consistently portray literally thousands of instances of nudity and on-screen simulated sex.”
NCOSE warns that the Netflix app rates as suitable for ages 4 and older on the Apple App Store.
NCOSE is calling on Netflix to improve its parental controls, stop producing sexually graphic and degrading content as well as change the Netflix app age rating to 17 and older.
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