Dog the Bounty Hunter sees signs of End Times, says mask mandate is setting stage for 666

Reality TV star Duane Chapman, better known as Dog the Bounty Hunter and star of the new Christian film “Hunter’s Creed,” said he believes the world is in the last phase before the End Times because “knowledge abounds.”
“I'm a baby boomer and we've heard since the 50s and 60s, 'Jesus is coming. All the signs have been fulfilled. Before I die, I'll see Jesus in the cloud.' Well you're dead now and you ain't seen nothing,” he said of some in his generation.
The former bail bondsman went on to say he believes youths today are “the last of the generation.”
“The disciples went to Jesus and said, 'Listen, you got to tell us when you're coming back. We got to know.' And Jesus said, 'Listen to me, nobody knows.' 'Oh, come on, Lord. You've got to give us a hint or something.' And Jesus said, 'Listen, even the angels don't know ... Let me tell you, there are signs.’ I'll give you some hints, in other words. So He said, ‘The last hint is this. Knowledge shall abound,'” Chapman told The Christian Post.
He explained that access to the internet gives this generation and the ones that follow access to all the knowledge of the world.
"No one has ever been able to explain that — knowledge, what does that mean?” he questioned, then responded, “Well, what it means is the internet. Access!”
“I could find out how to make a bomb or almost how to restart a heart that stops on the internet, on Google. I can talk to Japan right now. I have brothers and sisters that are Asians all over the country. I can talk to Mexico. I got brothers and sisters in Mexico. I could go all over the country, to Australia in one tweet. I could say, 'Listen, how is it over there? What does this mean?' And they'll tell me.”
Chapman, who recently lost his wife, Beth, to cancer described knowledge as something “you know.” He emphasized that millennials and generation Z are being raised under “the last sign” as explained in the Bible, Daniel 12:4.
“What else could that mean? Knowledge shall abound, that means that everybody's going to know a lot of stuff. Little kids now, you remember being five and six, you didn't know nothing about that, [now] you see them on the computer? We didn't know what a cell phone was? You see them calling us at five, six, four and three,” Chapman told CP.
"The knowledge that has abounded has gone abroad, has gone everywhere, babies [now] are getting it. They're going to be twice as knowledgeable as [millennials, and they are] twice as knowledgeable as my [generation]. Baby boomers are getting older.”
Chapman also explained why he believes Americans would be susceptible to the mark of the beast spoken of in Revelation 13.
"What else happens when the last sign has been fulfilled? This hasn't been too long that the internet and Google have been out and it's all over the world. So [the Bible] talks about the pandemics that are going to come, and it talks about fear, that it'll be driven by fear. I know countries that go, 'Those Americans are so scared they get flu shots,'” he noted.
The 67-year-old maintained that fear is attached to COVID-19 and "they're spreading it on purpose" while targeting “the weak.”
"The Bible says all these things are going to start happening. It was really hard for us to believe that you can receive the 666, mark of the beast. Ain't no way the government can make you do it. Oh yeah? They're making you wear masks,” Chapman said. “So that's the beginning, setting the stage to the real thing, the mark of the beast.”
With the bad though, there is also the good that is to come, he pointed out.
“Here's the good things, there are several other bad but, 'I shall pour out my Spirit upon all flesh,'” Chapman said, quoting Acts 2:17.
He said when he goes out in public now, he hears people tell him, “Dog, we know Jesus too.”
“I'm thinking this gangster sure don’t look like he knows Jesus. 'God bless you, brother dog.' That wasn't said five years ago, [now] everybody because, 'I'm pouring My Spirit upon all flesh.'"
Watch CP's interview with Chapman: