Fast Food Workers Are Stunned When They Receive Unexpected Gifts for Their Kindness

These two kids really set a good example on how great it is to pay it forward. The target for their goodwill is fast food workers due to all the news that has been put out lately about minimum wage. You have to see the response they get, and how the people respond afterwards … WOW!
Imagine working the register at a Wendy's and a little boy orders something he does not have the money for, what would your response be? How would you react? Depending on your financial situation, you may want to give him the money he needs to purchase the item. The two examples they show will touch your heart. One of these people doesn't help, and the reason is not given, but he doesn't seem so nice. As for the two that do, they receive $100 in return for their act of kindness. Which puts them in complete shock! An act of kindness that will bring you to tears.
Check out this pay-it-forward social experiment below: