Franklin Graham Urges Christians to Pray Supreme Court Upholds Biblical Marriage, Says Gay Unions Are a 'Defiance of God'

In a social media post Thursday, Franklin Graham called Ireland "a once staunchly religious country" that is now a "light shining in the wrong direction."
"According to a gay Irish Cabinet minister, '[the vote to legalize same-sex marriage in Ireland] makes us a beacon, a light to the rest of the world, of liberty and equality,'" Graham exclaimed. "They must not realize that this is a light shining in the wrong direction!"
Graham focused on Christian teaching instead of popular opinion, adding: "Jesus Christ said, 'I am the light of the world. Whoever follows Me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life (John 8:12).'"
Roman Catholic Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke offered his own rebuke of the Irish vote, saying it went beyond paganism.
"I mean, this is a defiance of God. It's just incredible," declared the American born Cardinal. "Pagans may have tolerated homosexual behaviors, they never dared to say this was marriage."
Burke preached against the dictatorship of relativism this week which he says is branding Christians as "extremists."
In Graham's contined social media campaign against the attempt to redifine marriage, he posted an article on Friday from Public Discourse titled "A Warning From Canada: Same-Sex Marriage Erodes Fundamental Rights."
"Canada began federally mandating same-sex marriage in 2005," declared Graham. "What's happened since then? One result has been that freedom of speech, press, and religion have suffered greatly."
Graham further warned of the impending consequences for those who dissent over same-sex marriage.
"If you say or write anything questioning same-sex marriage you could face discipline, termination of employment, or prosecution by the government," Graham added, noting that if the U.S. Supreme Court makes same-sex marriage federal law, "we will be in the same boat" as Canada.
"Will the next step be to ban us from speaking God's truth from His Word about this issue?" he asked.
Graham has continually urged prayers for the Supreme Court's upcoming decision on gay-marriage, which The Christian Post reported on last week.
Most recently, he asked followers to specifically pray for Justice Clarence Thomas, whom he called "a wise jurist and consistent defender of the Constitution.
"In the past, he has voted to uphold the biblical definition of marriage and has indicated that he does not believe there is a constitutional right to same-sex marriage," wrote Graham.
"Let's pray especially for him today — that he will continue to stand as a voice of truth and wisdom in the face of vehement opposition from gay rights advocates."
CP also reported this week that a senior Vatican official called the outcome of the vote in Ireland not just "a defeat for Christian principles but a defeat for humanity."
Over 60 percent of Irish voters (1.2 million people), cast their ballots in favor of amending their constitution to fully affirm same-sex marriage in the mostly Roman Catholic country. The Irish government also strongly supported amending the constitution to affirm gay marriage.
"With today's vote, we have disclosed who we are: a generous, compassionate, bold and joyful people," celebrated Prime Minister Enda Kenny. Deputy Prime Minister Joan Burton rejoiced over the vote's outcome calling it "a magical moving moment, when the world's beating heart is in Ireland."