Parents offer advice on fighting back against gender indoctrination as schools become ‘ground zero’

Two years ago, the 13-year-old daughter of January Littlejohn stepped inside her mom's car and told her that earlier that day, she'd had a meeting with school staff who were affirming her new "gender identity" and asked which restroom she preferred to use.
Unbeknownst to this Florida mom, two school officials and a social worker she'd never met had completed a six-page document called a transgender and gender nonconforming “support plan” for her daughter, who wanted to identify as transgender. In this plan, which also asked her daughter which sex she preferred to room with on overnight field trips, it was discussed that her daughter would be referred to by her real name in correspondence with her parents, but she would be secretly referred to by her newly made up name at school among her teachers, staff and friends.
Upon discovering that she and her husband's parental rights were being undermined, Littlejohn filed a lawsuit against the school district. The case is being handled by her attorney Vernadette Broyles. Littlejohn's story is one among many featured in The Christian Post's new five-part investigative podcast series “Generation Indoctrination: Inside the Transgender Battle,” with new episodes being released on Fridays.
Tiffany Justice, co-founder of the group Moms for Liberty, who, together with tens of thousands of moms, is working to empower parents to reclaim their rights, served as a school board member from 2017-2020 in Indian River County, Florida.
“We deal with moms almost every day whose children are either captured in some way by gender identity indoctrination or gender dysphoria or schools that are intervening in really inappropriate ways with children outside the consent and knowledge of parents,” she told this reporter.
"I’ll be the first one to tell you, my child does not need a sexual spirit guide," Justice added. "I birthed that child, I carried them, I’ve raised them, I breastfed them, and I know them better than anyone else. That’s what American parents are saying: I love my child, I accept them as who they are, but stop messing with my kids and putting ideas into their heads because you went through something in your life and are living vicariously through kids."
As awareness of the extent of the systematic inculcation of postmodern gender identity dogma into young, impressionable minds grows, parents are increasingly raising their voices and taking action.
Clint and Erin Thomas of Loudoun County are two parents interviewed in episode one of this series. They recount how teachers asked students, including their daughters, to declare their "preferred pronouns" on the first day of school. But when Clint called the school and relayed that this was unacceptable, he was promised that it would be corrected and was told that teachers had taken a new policy too far. That policy is LCPS board-approved policy 8040, which allows students to be addressed by self-selected pronouns and use opposite-sex restrooms.
Still today, the Thomases have heard countless examples of these overtly ideological practices taking place in local schools.
In an interview with CP on Monday, Erin Thomas said what is happening in the educational arena is tantamount to cult indoctrination and the ideological grooming of children.
“The internet, and specifically social media, are the sources of the cult and schools are the vehicle to get this done. It goes against every moral fiber of our being. That’s why we’re fighting this,” she said.
The Thomases are among 11 plaintiffs that have filed a parental rights lawsuit against LCPS, resisting the indoctrination of children.
Listen to episode one of 'Generation Indoctrination: Insider the Transgender Battle'
“While Loudoun County is ground zero for this, it’s happening all across the country. We won’t lie to our kids, or any other kid for that matter, about their God-given sex. This is a hill we will die on,” Thomas continued, adding that she hopes the CP podcast series “spreads the word so that people truly understand the underbelly and the tentacles of this beast.”
“This is a now-moment, a call to action to join the fight to protect our children. Complacency is partnering with the enemy. Our children’s future depends on it.”
It is the sex-denialism that is especially troubling many people, religious and non-religious alike.
"Generation Indoctrination" podcast contributor Amy Sousa, who has a master’s degree in depth psychology and has done post-graduate work in the same field, is a vocal critic of transgender ideology, particularly how it breaks down the boundaries of children at a time when youth are learning how to set those boundaries.
“When we look at the underlying values of those who want to have un-sexed, unmoored-from-their-bodies identities, ultimately we are looking at a value set of dismemberment and dissociation, cognitive dissonance, and objectification and commodification of bodies,” Sousa explains in the podcast.
“These things are antithetical to being embodied,” she stressed, “and to have safeguarding and bodily autonomy and boundaries around your body, you have to know the difference between bodies.”
Both curriculum content and policies that allow for the invasion of single-sex private spaces like locker rooms and restrooms are fueling this dissociation in young people, and it constitutes a safeguarding and boundary-setting failure, she added.
Perhaps most troublingly, the furtherance of the gender ideology in the schools is often the first place in the pipeline toward gender clinics, medical centers that administer experimental hormone blockers to halt natural puberty, synthetic cross-sex hormones, and medically unnecessary body-disfiguring surgeries in order to appear as the opposite sex.
Parent advocate Natassia Grover of Loudoun County recounted in the first episode of the podcast that she attended a January 2019 panel at a library in Washington, D.C., in which feminist activists were speaking out about these issues. During the Q&A, a 19-year-old girl who identified herself as a lesbian stood up and shared her story.
According to Grover, this young woman recalled how she had been indoctrinated in and had graduated from the Loudoun County school system, and by age 18, she had undergone a double mastectomy. But she soon realized that it did not resolve her mental distress, and she detransitioned. Once she did, however, all of her LGBT friends — sometimes referred to as a “glitter family” — abandoned her since she no longer adhered to their transgender-affirming worldview.
Littlejohn concluded with advice to moms and dads who often freeze in panicked fear when their child identifies as transgender: “What I will tell you from personal experience is these children do not understand many times what they are asking for or what they are stating. They are simply regurgitating propaganda that they have been taught,” she said.
“You have to parent this issue and set healthy, appropriate boundaries just like you would in any other situation.”
Episode two in CP’s five-part podcast series will explore the corruption of medical ethics and how gender ideology has swept through the healthcare system, highlighting the corporate media’s power in this arena.
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