Has Donald Trump Accepted Christ? James Dobson Says 'Yes'

Dr. James Dobson, the founder of Focus on the Family and Family Talk, says Donald Trump has recently given his life to Jesus Christ and is now "a baby Christian," urging believers to pray for him.
In an interview with Pastor Michael Anthony of GodFactor.com, Dobson said, "There are a lot of people ministering to him personally — a lot of ministers… He did accept a relationship with Christ. I know the person who led him to Christ, and that's fairly recent. I don't know when it was, but it has not been long."
Dobson added: "I believe he really made a commitment, but he's a baby Christian. We all need to be praying for him, especially if there is a possibility of him being our next chief executive officer."
He said this at Trump's closed-door meeting last week with hundreds of top evangelical and social conservative leaders. The meeting, "A Conversation About America's Future with Donald Trump and Ben Carson," was held in New York City.
It is neither an "inquisition" nor a "coronation," but a "conversation," Johnnie Moore, the spokesperson for My Faith Votes, a non-partisan organization focused on engaging the 25 million Christians who did not vote in 2012 and one of the two groups behind the meeting, told The Christian Post earlier. "The Trump campaign has been unbelievably cooperative to commit such time with these leaders … It is the largest, most representative gathering of national, Christian leaders I've seen in my lifetime," he added.
Trump's campaign has not responded to Dobson's assertion.
Last year, Trump said he had never asked for God's forgiveness, and despite calling the Bible his favorite book, he refused to name a favorite verse. "The Bible means a lot to me, but I don't want to get into specifics," he said.
Trump "doesn't know our language," Dobson said. "We had 40 Christians together with him; he used the word 'Hell' four or five times. He doesn't know our language. He really doesn't. He refers a lot to religion and not much to belief and faith in Christ."
He continued, Christians "got to cut him some slack," as "he didn't grow up like we did. I think there's hope for him."
After Trump's meeting with evangelicals and conservatives, the founder of the Faith & Freedom Coalition Ralph Reed said the presidential candidate "talked about personal faith, importance of faith."
"But he made it abundantly clear, 'I don't know the Bible as well as you do, I'm not a theologian, but I'm a Christian," Reed said, according to CNN. "He talked about his children and how he raised his children, moral values, don't smoke, don't drink, don't do drugs. It's not really our job to judge other peoples' spiritual journey. Just because they're not in the same place we are, we accept him for who he is now."