Hillary Clinton: Pro-Life Republicans Are Like Terrorists

At a rally in Cleveland Thursday, Hillary Clinton upped the rhetoric on abortion, comparing pro-life Republicans to terrorist groups.
Clinton, who has been dogged for weeks by the story of using a personal email account and server to handle classified information, says she "takes it a little personal when they [Republicans] go after women."
"Now extreme views about women, we expect that from some of the terrorist groups, we expect that from people who don't want to live in the modern world, but it's a little hard to take them from Republicans who want to be the president of the United States," declared Clinton.
She did not expound on which terrorist groups she thinks Republicans resemble.
"Yet they espouse out of date, out of touch policies," added Clinton. "They are dead wrong for the 21st century America. We are going forward, we are not going back."
Clinton is a 2009 recipient of the Planned Parenthood Federation Margaret Sanger Award and has recently doubled down in her defense of the organization after initially calling the undercover videos released by the Center for Medical Progress "disturbing."
Clinton specifically cited Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, and Ohio Governor John Kasich in her effort to resurrect the "war on women" rhetoric which was effective for Democrats in 2012.
"Marco Rubio brags about wanting to deny victims of rape and incest access to healthcare, to abortion," claimed Clinton.
"Jeb Bush says Planned Parenthood shouldn't get a penny," she added. "Your governor right here in Ohio banned state funding for some rape crisis centers because they sometimes refer women to other healthcare facilities that do provide abortions."
Clinton said she would like these Republican candidates to "look the mom in the eye who caught her breast cancer early because she was able to get screening." She also asked the Republican candidates to look into the eye of the "teenager who didn't get pregnant because she has access to contraception" or those "who have ever been protected by an HIV test."
The National Republican Committee denounced Clinton's rhetoric:
"For Hillary Clinton to equate her political opponents to terrorists is a new low for her flailing campaign," RNC Press Secretary Allison Moore wrote in a statement. "She should apologize immediately for her inflammatory rhetoric."
Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush slammed Clinton on Twitter, saying, "Hillary Clinton compares pro-life Americans to terrorists, but defends despicable Planned Parenthood treatment of unborn? Her priorities are totally wrong."
Kasich's campaign fired back at the former secretary of state and first lady, saying "Ohio and our country deserves better than what Clinton is offering them. Hillary Clinton's trail of scandal is decades long, and only continues to worsen."
At Case Western Reserve in Cleveland Thursday, Clinton said too that "we have to come to terms with some hard truths about race and justice in America and hard truths about guns in America." She added that Americans have to stand up and "say loud and clearly that black lives matter."
A new national poll released Thursday shows Vice President Joe Biden out performing Clinton against Republicans in a general election, even though he has not decided whether to enter the race. Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders has surpassed Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire polling, the nation's first election primary.