Huckabee on Obama: Nobody's Done More to Kick the Middle Class in the Groin

WASHINGTON — While President Barack Obama speaks often about wanting to help the middle class, his policies have made it harder for them to earn a living, Gov. Mike Huckabee said, adding, "nobody's done more to kick this middle class in the groin than this administration."
Huckabee, the former governor of Arkansas who now hosts Fox News' "Huckabee," was speaking Friday at the Values Voter Summit in Washington, D.C., a gathering of social conservative leaders and activists.
The working class began paying more in payroll taxes this year, Huckabee complained, even though Obama promised that taxes would not go up on anyone making less than $250,000 per year.
His speech was built around the theme that Obama administration policies send the message that, "you are on your own."
Besides the middle class tax increase, he mentioned the closing off of national parks during the government shutdown, the government response during the terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya, foreign policy toward Israel, Christians persecuted in Egypt and Syria, the glitches in the "Obamacare" website, and the IRS scandal, as examples in which the government said, "you are on your own."
With "Obamacare," though, the message is different, Huckabee added.
"In every other realm of our life, this administration has essentially said, 'you're on your own,'" he claimed. "But when it comes to our decisions about our own health and health care and our doctors and what we want to be covered for and what we don't, in this regard the president has said: 'We've got you covered. We'll take care of you.' But he's not taking care of us."
The crowd then booed as Huckabee asked them: "Do you really want to give your personal medical information as well as your financial information to the IRS? Do you trust them?"
Huckabee, who was a preacher before he was a politician, finished the speech on a hopeful note and by pointing to God.
"These are perilous times but they're not hopeless times," he said, because there are a "remnant" of people who have the "seed of liberty" in them.
"We serve a Holy God," he preached, "who can take the seeds of liberty left within us, if we're willing to go to the point where we will die if necessary so that life and liberty can once again come forth, and we will be able to say: We are not on our own because He is with us always, unto the end of the world."
You can watch the full speech below: