Justin Bieber Gets Baptized, Attends Bible Study Amid Racist Allegations?

Justin Bieber has reportedly worked to overcome some of his previous mistakes with Bible study and a recent baptism.
Bieber, the 20-year-old Canadian singer, used the n-word in two recent videos where he seemed to be making jokes with racial undertones. After the first video of Bieber using the word in a tape created five years ago came to light, the budding pop star issued a public apology.
When the singer faced public scrutiny and questions of him being racist, he turned to his Christian roots. According to TMZ, Bieber turned to Hillsong NYC Pastor Carl Lentz, Bible study, and baptism.
"Pastor Carl Lentz -- who works with Bieber in NYC -- tells us he spent a week doing intense Bible study with Justin last month ... in the wake of being extorted over the videos. As we previously reported -- JB's team was contacted 2 months ago by a man in possession of the videos and wanted a million dollar payday or else he'd go public," TMZ reports. "We're told Bieber's religious resurgence focused on studying Bible passages and attending services ... culminating in an actual baptism performed in the bathtub of one of the singer's friends."
After a second tape was released by TMZ where Bieber was caught using the n-word, the star let a Christian devotional do the talking for him. Bieber took a page from the daily devotional "Jesus Calling" by Sarah Young that seemed to apply to his circumstances.
"When your sins weigh heavily upon you, come to Me. Confess your wrongdoing, which I know all about before you say a word," the page re-posted by Bieber reads. "Stay in the Light of My Presence, receiving forgiveness, cleansing, and healing. Remember that I have clothed you in My righteousness, so nothing can separate you from Me. Whenever you stumble or fall, I am there to help you up."