Ken Ham Accuses Bill Nye of Telling Women to 'Murder' Their Babies

Answers in Genesis CEO and President Ken Ham has responded to a recent pro-abortion video made by The Planetary Society CEO Bill Nye "The Science Guy," and claimed that Nye is calling on women to "murder" their babies. Nye had argued that pro-life supporters are wrong to trust their interpretation of the Bible, and said that they do not understand science.
Ham posted a link on his AiG blog to a BigThink video from last week in which Nye defends the pro-choice view on abortion.
"If you're going to say when an egg is fertilized it therefore has the same rights as an individual, then whom are you going to sue? Whom are you going to imprison? Every woman who's had a fertilized egg pass through her? Every guy who's sperm has fertilized an egg and then it didn't become a human? Have all these people failed you?" Nye asks in the video.
"It's just a reflection of a deep scientific lack of understanding and you literally or apparently literally don't know what you're talking about."
Nye then attacked Christians and other religious groups that are opposed to abortion.
"I know it was written or your interpretation of a book written 5,000 years ago, 50 centuries ago, makes you think that when a man and a woman have sexual intercourse they always have a baby. That's wrong and so to pass laws based on that belief is inconsistent with nature," Nye continued.
Later in the video he added: "I understand that you have deeply held beliefs and it really is ultimately out of respect for people, in this case your perception of unborn people. I understand that. But I really encourage you to look at the facts."
In his response article, Ham points out that Nye encourages people not to tell women what to do, but "through the whole video clip he is telling women what to do — that they should abort (murder, really) a baby if they want to."
Ham, who is also the Creation Museum CEO and President, accused Nye of "attacking" the Bible, and said that much like their debate on creationism in February 2014, they come from two very different worldviews.
"It's a battle over God's Word and man's word — the two ultimate religions that have fueled a battle that has been raging around us since the events of Genesis 3 when Adam and Eve trusted man's word instead of God's Word," Ham wrote.
"In this video, Bill Nye attacks the Bible because his starting point is that man determines his own worldview — that there is no God who owns us. Then using his religion, his starting point that all life is the result of natural processes, and therefore one's worldview is moral relativism, he proceeds to plead (yes, plead) that women be allowed to abort their babies."
Ham has accessed Nye of following a "religion" of naturalism on a number of occasions in recent times. Earlier in September, he took aim at Nye's recently released book Unstoppable: Harnessing Science to Change the World, and claimed that The Planetary Society CEO is seeking to "brainwash generations of kids."
"The more you read what Bill Nye is saying, the more you should realize he is on a mission to brainwash generations of kids in the religion of naturalism — which in reality is atheism," Ham argued.