Michele Bachmann Is 'Extremely Excited' for Iran Deal Because It Will Usher God's Judgement on the World as Foretold In Zechariah 12:3

Former Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, a Republican, has proclaimed that the nuclear agreement reached between Iran, the United States and five other world powers is nothing more than the fulfillment of End Times prophecy found in the Bible, and added that the world will likely see the "strong right arm" of the Lord strike in judgement.
While speaking on Jan Markell's "Understanding the Times" evangelical radio program last Saturday, the 59-year-old Bachmann argued that if Congress fails to strike down the agreement reached with Iran, then Christians should rejoice because it is a sign that the End Times are coming to fruition.
In July, the U.S., China, Russia, United Kingdom, France and Germany signed on to an agreement that could potentially grant Iran access to nuclear capabilities within a decade's time. Fearing that Iran has every intention to use nuclear capabilities to wipe out Israel and the U.S., Bachmann equated the agreement to "all the nations of the world" turning their backs on Israel.
"Just as the agreement was being announced at the [United Nations] Security Council the following Monday after the agreement, for the very first time, the most important national security event in my lifetime and it's this— all the nations of the world signed an agreement that slams the door against Israel and opened it up to the enriching and empowering the leading state sponsor of terror in the world, whose ultimate goal is the annihilation of the Jewish state," Bachmann stated. "It happened July 20 with the United States leading that charge."
Markell quipped that such an event was foretold in Zechariah 12:3, which states: "On that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves."
The host added: "There are consequences to doing things like this against God's covenant land, there are horrible consequences. Then you throw in some other things such as the Supreme Court decision back in late June and a lot of other things. Judgment isn't just coming; judgment is already here."
The agreement not only provides Iran with a path toward nuclear weapons, it also helps pay for Iran to build nuclear weapons by putting over $150 billion into the hands of the world's leading state sponsor of terrorism, Bachmann argued. She also implied that giving Iran so much money could lead to Cuba gaining access to nuclear weapons also.
Bachmann added that the agreement also includes teaching Iranians how to develop advanced centrifuges and how to build cyber defense systems to guard against outside attacks, likely to come from Isreal, against Iran's nuclear program.
"For years, we have worked with other countries to make sure that Iran did not achieve a nuclear bomb because we know what they will do with it," Bachmann asserted. "They say it over and over again, 'Death to America. Death to Israel.'"
Bachmann, who stated in April that Jesus Christ's return is "imminent," admits that she is "excited" about the prospects that a nuclearized Iran could lead to the Lord's impending judgement on the world.
"I am actually extremely excited because I think that we are about to see the strong right arm of the Holy God show to the world and prove to the world, His power and His strength. He is the Lord of Heaven's armies.That is his name," Bachmann stated. "We are so encouraged because God has given us his assurance. We know how this is going to turn out. As the prophets foretold, the prophets longed to live in this day that you and I are privileged to live in."
"From a biblical perspective, the Lord has allowed us to see how He is using politics, He is using leaders, He is using politicians and He is using foreign policy in that to bring about where we are to date. Not that it is God's choice of evil, not that it is His choice but it has given us revelation," Bachmann continued.
"He has given us revelation through His Word to be comforted, to look up and also to take our lives before Him and do what Hezekiah did, bow before Him, confess our sins, cry out to the God of the universe, the Lord of Heaven's armies. Ultimately, our God will rescue the remnant in the way that only He can and He will have His way."
While appearing on the show in April, Bachmann accused President Barack Obama for advocating the "goals of Islamic jihad" by trying to pass the Iran deal.
"One thing I want to make clear to people on this program is that this isn't about being against President Obama or against Democrats, this is so much more important than politics. This is really about what our world will look like," Bachmann added last Saturday. "We are not talking about fundamentally transforming the United States, we are talking about fundamentally transforming the world with this agreement."