Michele Bachmann: 'Rapture of The Church' Is 'Coming Faster Than Anyone Can See,' God Will Punish America for Disobeying His Word

Former U.S. congresswoman and 2012 Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann claimed that the "rapture of the Church" is looming and will be brought to reality due to the foreign policies of president Barack Obama, and added that God will punish the United States for disobeying His will.
As previously reported by The Christian Post, the 59-year-old Minnesotan recently spoke with Jan Markell on the "Understanding the End Times" radio program and labeled Obama's foreign policy — specifically his desire for a nuclear deal with Iran – as being "pro the goals of Islamic Jihad." She added that Obama's foreign policy will lead to the coming of the Islamic Messiah (Mahdi) and the return of Jesus Christ.
This past weekend, the second part of Bachmann's interview with Markell aired and Bachmann again asserted that the second coming of Christ is right around the corner. But in part two of the interview, she also weighed in on the impact that abortion and gay marriage have on God's view of the United States.
"We need to realize how close this clock is to getting toward the midnight hour and I think that's why, for our sake and for the sake of our family, for our nation and the next generations, we need to cry out to a Holy God," Bachmann explained. "This is coming faster than anyone can see."
Bachmann explained that in light of the coming rapture, Christians should rejoice in Christ's coming because it is the "most exciting time in history."
"Prophets said we look to the future. We long to see those days, live in those days. Why? Because it is the return of a soon incoming king. Jesus Christ is coming back," Bachmann said. "We in our lifetimes, potentially, could see Jesus Christ returning to earth, the rapture of the Church. These are wonderful times but we see the destruction. But, this is a destruction that was foretold."
Markell offered her insight into the conversation by citing the 60 million babies that have been aborted in the U.S. since 1973 and the potential Supreme Court ruling that could make gay marriage a national right as signs that God could soon be punishing America for its disobedience of His word.
"I mean, God judged ancient Israel for similar kinds of offenses," Markell said. "I am afraid that some serious consequences lay ahead of us for the policies that we continue to do that violate his principles."
Bachmann agreed with Markell's notion and added that the "cursings" the Bible speaks of "aren't true just for the day that they were written for, they are also true for all people and all tribes and all time."
"What we need to recognize is we are no different than any other nation. Any nation that accepts God and His principles is blessed and those who push away are cursed. That is what we are seeing happening to the United States," Bachmann explained. "I think we could be seeing the hedge of protection that God has built around us lifted and we will suffer the consequences as result. That is why so many Christians are sad and despairing because we know what the word of God says."
Bachmann also said that America's Founding Fathers designed the country to be based off of biblical principles. Although she said the U.S. is not a theocracy, the Founding Fathers knew how important it was for the nation to be "honoring to God." But now, Bachmann says America is embracing a "pagan view."
"I believe that because we were born on biblical principles, not perfect by any stretch [since] we are a fallen world, but we were singularly blessed because of those blessings," Bachmann stated. "The United States has been blessed but now the United States has taken a very different tact and turned from what have known through hundreds or years of our history. And this new turn, I think, began somewhere along in the 40s and enhanced especially in the early 60s and now we are seeing not only a post-Christian view that is prevailing in the United States. I think we are now embracing a pagan view."
In continuing to bash the Obama administration's nuclear negotiations with Iran, which Bachmann described in the first part of the interview as being motivated by Iran's Islamic belief of needing to pave the way for the the coming of the "hidden Imam," she said that Obama doesn't seem to have a problem giving nuclear weapons to a nation that wants to destroy the United States and Israel.
"Barack Obama is intent. It is his number one goal to ensure that Iran has nuclear weapon. Why? Why would you put a nuclear weapon in the hands of madmen who are Islamic radicals, who believe it is their religious duty to bomb Israel and to bomb the United States?" Bachmann asked. "That is where we are headed right now. That is why the best thing we can do is have churches and pastors explain our times."
"It is interesting to me if you look at that president's rhetoric and if you look at his actions, everything he has done has been to cut the legs out from Israel and to lift up the agenda of radical Islam," Bachmann continued.