
NFL 2015 News, Rumors: Should NFL Start A Developmental League?

Like any good business the NFL wants to cash in on its popularity. There is only one major American TV market that does not have a NFL team. That market will likely have two teams sooner rather than later. That would leave several smaller American and possibly one Canadian market (Toronto) as places that could support a NFL franchise. Even if we added London, England to the mix there simply is not enough franchises to cover the demand for the NFL, especially when it comes to TV where the NFL has become must see TV all 12 months of the year.

With all that success the NFL has its share of problems. Public relations aside the NFL needs a place where it can train and develop not only talented players but coaches, executives and most importantly referees. The only logical solution to that would be for the NFL to start, operate, and market its own developmental league. Maybe a Sprig time league where there is an appetite for football but a lack of people able to operate a stable football league for a profit.

The NFL use to have a league that produced more talent than NFL fans may remember. NFL Europe was never a big money maker and its real purpose was to test the market in Europe for American Football but people forget how many legit NFL stars either started or revitalized their career their. Players like Kurt Warner, Dante Hall, David Akers, Adam Vinatieri, and James Harrison.

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While the Unite Football League was a pretty large failure it did prove there are markets in the US that could support a NFL Minor league team. Markets like Omaha, Nebraska which may be too small to support a full NFL franchise but still have a huge appetite for the game.

If the NFL wants to expand expeditionary the only real way to do so would be to once again invest in their own developmental league.

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