NFL's Benjamin Watson Praises God for His Family, Shares Photos of Infant Son on His 2nd Birthday

Outspoken Christian National Football League player Benjamin Watson recently posted photos of his infant son on Facebook and remarked about how every time he thinks of his son, he's reminded of how deserving God is to receive the utmost highest praise from believers.
Watson, who is an 11-season NFL veteran and a tight end for the New Orleans Saints, commemorated his son, Judah's, second birthday by posting a collage of Judah's baby pictures on Facebook to share with his fans.
"Baby picture alert!!" Watson wrote. "It's always fun and nostalgic to look back at baby pictures on our kids' birthdays. On March 19, 2013, we were blessed with our second baby boy. We named him Judah, which means 'God be Praised.'"
Along with the photos, Watson shared a faithful sentiment about how his son has brought him to a deeper understanding of God's worthiness.
"Every time I see or think about him I'm reminded that God deserves our praise in all circumstances," Watson continued. "Even the tough ones. I can't believe our baby is turning 2 already. He's a strong boy, both physically and in spirit, and I can't wait to see what God has planned for his life. Happy Birthday Son! Daddy loves you!"
Baby picture alert!!It's always fun and nostalgic to look back at baby pictures on our kid's birthdays. On March 19,...
Posted by Benjamin Watson on Thursday, March 19, 2015
Along with Judah, Watson and his wife, Kristen, have three other children whose names were inspired by the Bible and Watson's Christian faith: Isaiah, Grace and Noami.
As an NFL player, Watson has never been afraid to let his Christian convictions be heard. Most recently in February, Watson posted a powerful message to his Facebook page urging Christians, especially those facing the terrifying horrors of the Islamic State terrorist group, to stand strong with Jesus, even when faced with death.
Watson explained that ISIS forces Christians within its strongholds to choose between converting to Islam, death or paying a ridiculously high tax. He added that Christians who deny Jesus will be denied by God when their judgement day arrives.
"'And I say to you, everyone who confesses Me before men, the Son of Man will confess him also before the angels of God; but he who denies Me before men will be denied before the angels of God' Luke 12:8," Watson posted on Feb. 28.
Watson further explained that the reason Christianity has been able to spread over the last 2,000 years is because of the resiliency of Christians who refused to deny the love of Jesus.
"In spite of all this adversity, Christianity continued to spread because of men and women, empowered by the Holy Spirit, stood strong in the face of certain death; some being delivered and others falling," Watson wrote. "As I sit here in a 21st century United States, I can't help but wonder when we, too, will face martyrdom for our faith. On this very day nearly 50 countries have laws that restrict or outlaw Christianity, leading to the harassment, imprisonment and death of those who follow Christ."
In January, Watson participated in a question-and-answer session at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia, where he spoke about how it's important for Christians to realize that there's more to their life than just what they do for a living.
"When you're a believer, that is who you are and your essence. What you do with your life is simply what you do. You are a Christian. You are a believer. You are a child of God. You are all those things. What you do is become a doctor. What you do is become a lawyer. What you do is teach, become a pastor. What I do is play football," Watson asserted. "What I do doesn't change who I am and who God sees me as. ... We are God's children; we are Christians first and then what we do flows from that.
"Make sure you know your identity is in Christ, so that when you get laid off from your job, or when you get a raise from your job, or when things don't go right, you're not up and down, up and down," Watson continued. "If [your identity is] not grounded [in Christ], you're going to be all over the place. You're gonna be like a leaf blown by the wind."