‘It’s all over’: Pat Robertson says Biden won, Trump lives in ‘alternate reality’

Longtime controversial televangelist Pat Robertson, who once said that God told him Donald Trump would be reelected, said he believes Joe Biden won the election and that Trump "lives in an alternate reality."
On an episode of “The 700 Club” that aired Monday, CBN correspondent George Thomas reported on Trump’s latest litigation challenging the election results in Pennsylvania, in which the state went for Biden.
In response to the report, Robertson said that he does not believe the Trump lawsuit “is going to prevail” and that he believes “it’s all over” for the Trump campaign.
“I think the Electoral College has spoken,” said Robertson. “I think the Biden corruption has not totally been brought to fruition, but it doesn’t seem to be affecting the Electoral College.”
“I don’t think the Supreme Court is going to move in to do anything and I think we’re going to see a President Biden and I also think we’ll be seeing a President Kamala Harris, not too long after the Inauguration of President Biden.”
Robertson went on to say that he believes Trump “lives in an alternate reality,” arguing that while many say that the president lies a lot, “to him that’s the truth.”
“There was something about him that was good, that God placed him in that office for the time. He has done a marvelous job for the economy,” he continued.
“But at the same time, he is very erratic and he’s fired people, he’s fought people, and he’s insulted people … it’s a mixed bag. And I think it would be well to say, ‘You’ve had your day, it’s time to move on.’”
Robertson also expressed concern about the “trends toward socialism” coming to the United States under Biden and the likely reversal of many of Trump’s positions once in office.
Regarding a possible Trump campaign in 2024, Robertson felt that Trump running again would be a “tremendous mistake,” preferring former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley run instead.
A staunch supporter of Trump, Robertson had predicted that the Republican president would win reelection, also adding that there will “be at least two attempts on the president’s life.”
“First of all, I want to say without question, Trump is going to win the election,” said Robertson back in October, while maintaining that people should still vote despite the prediction. “He’s going to win. That’s, I think, a given.”
Although Trump has yet to officially concede the election, many supporters, including some conservative Christian leaders, have acknowledged Biden as the winner.
Southern Baptist Theological Seminary President Albert Mohler Jr., who did not vote for Trump in 2016 but supported him in 2020, said Biden “is now the president-elect of the United States.”
“It is no secret that I was disappointed in the way that the election turned out,” explained Mohler in an episode of his podcast earlier this month.
“I did not want Joe Biden to be elected president of the United States, but he is now the president-elect.”
The Rev. Franklin Graham, president of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, said that while he acknowledged the Biden win, he also said that “I tend to believe” Trump when “Trump says that this election has been rigged or stolen.”
“He has a track record of being right. Pray for President Trump, pray for Joe Biden, and pray for our nation—that we will get through this, and for God’s will be done,” wrote Graham on his Facebook page on Dec. 19.