Planned Parenthood was paid nearly $25,000 for aborted baby body parts, unsealed documents show

Newly unsealed documents show that over the course of three months in 2012, Planned Parenthood was paid thousands of dollars for the body parts of aborted babies, directly related to their "usability."
While the abortion giant has long denied the accusation that they profited from this exchange — insisting they were only reimbursed for relevant costs — the previously unsealed invoices, which had been redacted, show Planned Parenthood Mar Monte in California billing biotech outfit StemExpress nearly $25,000 over July, August and September in 2012 for samples of fetal organs harvested from abortions and maternal blood, multiple reports say.
Other documents show a renewable contract agreement between the same Planned Parenthood location and StemExpress starting in April of 2010 stipulating that the biotech company would pay $55 for each specimen "determined in the clinic to be usable" and $10 for every blood sample. The contract designates the payments as reimbursements for "reasonable costs."
The contract also defines POC, or a product of conception, as “any fetal organ or other fetal or placental material taken from a human uterus during an abortion.” A fetal organ is defined as “the human kidney, heart, lung, pancreas, bone marrow, cornea, eye, bone, and skin, or any subpart thereof and any other human organ or any subpart thereof as from a fetus.”
The emergence of the documents come as a result of lengthy investigations into Planned Parenthood in light of the undercover investigation from David Daleiden of the Center for Medical Progress. In the summer of 2015, the group began posting video footage they had obtained while undercover, interviewing top Planned Parenthood executives and doctors speaking cavalierly about the abortion procedures they perform in order to obtain intact fetal organs and tissues.
Since then, Planned Parenthood has filed lawsuits against Daleiden in Texas and California, while continuing to assert that his videos were deceptively edited. The charges against him in Texas were thrown out but in California, the abortion giant was awarded over $2 million in damages in November. Daleiden's attorneys have said they will appeal the lawsuit.
The abortion giant said after the publication of the vides that they would cease supplying such tissue and would no longer accept payment.
Although the document had been under seal, they had been previously referenced and published in a Congressional investigation in 2016. The 2012 invoice showing the approximately $25,000 Planned Parenthood was paid had also been published but with the parties involved, invoice number, and terms of repayment all redacted.