Puberty blockers yield 'the most insidious child sterilization programs ever devised,' doctors say

Endocrinologists are pushing back against a recent statement by the Pediatric Endocrine Society which asserts that puberty-blocking drugs are "reversible" and effective at alleviating the distress of "having the wrong puberty."
The Tuesday statement from the Pediatric Endocrine Society, which was couched in concern for "transgender and gender diverse youth and their families," spoke against public discourse that delegitimizes self-expressed gender identities. Such negative discourse, the group said, undermines the rights of youth who identify as the opposite sex to express their identity as they wish and to receive "gender-affirming" therapies and medical treatments.
The statement goes on to assert that adolescents "with maturity to understand the consequences of this treatment, can initiate hormone therapy," and claims that puberty blockers are supported by medical evidence to improve the well-being of persons who self-identify as transgender. Chemical puberty suppression is described as a "reversible treatment that decreases the distress of having the wrong puberty."
Such claims are patently false, said Michael Laidlaw, an endocrinologist based in Rocklin, California, in a Wednesday interview with The Christian Post. "What these medical societies have created is an institutionalized childhood pathway toward sterility."
When asked by CP if he could explain why organizations that are ostensibly out to help children would recommend treatments that disrupt the normal process of puberty, he said it's critical to understand that, with respect to this topic, medical organizations like the Endocrine Society, Pediatric Endocrine Society, and the American Academy of Pediatrics have been taken over by the most radical elements of the profession.
"These radical trans activists were involved in writing the Endocrine Society guidelines in 2009 and 2017. These are low to no quality evidence guidelines, and anyone can read for themselves the poor evidence they have for these treatments for children and adolescents. There is no long-term evidence for benefits for these treatments. These drugs are not FDA approved for this condition. They have created a pathway toward sterility," Laidlaw stressed.

Laidlaw recounted a Dutch study of 70 children who were on puberty-blocking drugs, every one of which continued on to cross-sex hormones. Most of them went even further and underwent masculinizing or feminizing surgical procedures.
"All of those who started on blockers and went to cross sex hormones are infertile. Those who had gonads removed are sterilized," he said.
One postoperative patient, a trans-identified female, died as result of a flesh-eating bacteria, a disease called necrotizing fasciitis, following a vaginoplasty.
The Pediatric Endocrine Society's statement comes on the heels of the case of 7-year-old James Younger, a boy at the center of bitter custody dispute in Texas. Younger's legal mother, Dr. Anne Georgulas, a pediatrician in Coppell, Texas, insists the boy is female and intends to transition him to a girl named Luna, a name Georgulas picked herself. James is a twin to his brother, Jude. Georgulas became pregnant with the twin boys by using eggs from a third-party donor.
The child's father, Jeffrey Younger, has long argued that both social and medical gender transitioning of James is a heinous form of child abuse. He had been documenting his story on his website, Save James, before a family court judge ordered him to take it down.
A jury initially awarded Georgulas sole conservatorship of James on Oct. 21.
However, amid massive public outcry, Judge Kim Cooks ultimately awarded joint conservatorship to both parents and forbade them from speaking further about the case to the press after issuing a gag order. Younger's website was ordered to be shut down under the terms of the gag order.
"This is the pathway to sterility that young James has been put on," Laidlaw said, commenting on the case, "because the social transition has the psychological effect of convincing the child that they are in the wrong body.
"The puberty blockers are a drug induced model of not only blocking essential aspects of development, but also solidifying the belief that they must take wrong sex hormones to escape from their situation. These wrong sex hormones are very dangerous and have blood clot, cardiovascular, and cancer risks."
Thus, young children who experience all of this have been brainwashed since youth, have been drugged and psychologically damaged by puberty blockers, and then made even more confused, depressed and even psychotic by cross sex hormones, he continued. Many ultimately go on to seek relief by having breasts and testicles and penises and ovaries surgically removed.
"This is the pathway to sterilization that these radicals have been after. They have succeeded in convincing the greedy dupes at the highest levels of our medical societies to go along with it. And now they are hiding the truth from the American people and dressing it up as science. But it is one of the most insidious child sterilization programs ever devised," Laidlaw asserted.
Dr. William Malone, an endocrinologist from Twin Falls, Idaho, emphasized that the statement regarding the treatment of gender dysphoric children and adolescents contravenes both scientific literature and common sense.
"No child is born in the wrong body, but for a variety of reasons some children and adolescents become convinced that they were," Malone said in a Wednesday interview with CP.
"Until very recently, these children and adolescents were supported and cared for with counseling. With counseling, or even watchful waiting, an average of 85% of these children would have resolution of their distress by early adulthood. There are currently 10 studies in the medical literature demonstrating this."
Yet a dreadful shift has occurred in recent years, one from exploratory, supportive counseling to what is now referred to as “gender affirmative care,” which has had "catastrophic" consequences, the Idaho doctor continued.
"The most notable risk is that of infertility, especially if puberty is blocked in early stages. Women who take male dosages of testosterone are known to have significantly increased risk of heart disease," he said.
"Mastectomies and genital surgeries are for all practical purposes irreversible. The longer term, higher quality studies show shockingly high rates of successful suicide for those who have undergone masculinizing or feminizing hormonal and surgical interventions. The exact cause of this is unknown."
Speaking to the change in practices within the medical establishment, Malone elaborated that, at present, urging for caution and additional research before abandoning an established treatment that has a high success rate, professional medical associations like the Endocrine Society have inexplicably adopted a scientifically unsupported, highly risky approach to treating gender dysphoric children and adolescents.
"As a consequence of this bad decision, we are beginning to see many young adults begin attempts to reverse the damage that has been done by hormonal and surgical treatments. As a result, investigations into gender clinic practices have begun in the U.K., and are being considered in Australia and Sweden," he said.
"Highly respected doctors from these countries are stating that we are in the midst of a medical scandal of unparalleled significance."