
The End of Marriage – Declaring War on Traditional Marriage

"Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter." (Isaiah 5:20)

The unthinkable has happened for all Christian couples that have not been desensitized by the liberal media: the war on traditional marriage is climaxing to an almost unstoppable, destructive momentum – at least with mainstream media.

CBS and NBC have declared an all-out war on traditional marriage and have begun the all-out assault on everything we stand for and are as Christians.

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As published on Oct. 14, NBC’s “Today” and CBS’s “Early Show” celebrated the “end of traditional marriage” in America. With pride, arrogance and ungodly hatred, CBS’s relationship expert Matt Titus spouted that “marriage is an artificial institution. I mean, it’s basically a morality cage for men.” He also called marriage "unnatural!" And to further deepen the vicious venom in the wounds they have made, he said we don't need marriage and men anymore, “men are expendable,” no family is needed anymore.
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Did you catch this? Are you actually absorbing that the impact that this article and national media coverage means we have reached a level of utter warfare on all that Christians believe about traditional marriage?

It is real and it is happening, as one Christian young woman told me, "exponentially."

In essence, a growing majority of this world is as the Bible clearly tells us, "Calling good evil, and evil good."

They have said in essence that marriage is unnatural and a social construct, that it doesn't apply to everyone.

"Only women stuck in the Dark Ages need marriage for financial support. Liberated modern women don't need it anymore,” Newsbusters’ Paul Wilson summarized what CBS’s Erica Hill said.

Marriage is and will always be our foundation for family, relationship and the fundamental structure to which all peoples far and near stem from. And not only marriage, but traditional, godly marriage – between a man and woman.

We're Still In a War

I remember being a new convert many moons ago, hearing the preached Word of God saying, "We're in a war!" I always believed that, but naively relegated this to merely a "spiritual war." I heard it preached and memorized the verses that substantiated this perspective.

Scriptures such as Ephesians 6:12 say, "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." (NIV)

As well as 2 Corinthians 10:4, "For the weapons of our warfare are not those of the world. Instead, they have the power of God to demolish fortresses. We tear down arguments." (ISV Version)

Moreover, while this is true, within very recent years, it has permeated through the spiritual realm and has visibly overtaken the physical world.

Should we continue to "war in the spirit"? Absolutely, but it is becoming increasingly apparent that too many of us are so wrapped up in pursuing the "blessings of life" that we don't even want to be bothered by what's happening around us – as long as we can live our lives.

Sitting Still No Longer An Option

Four lepers were rotting away on the side of the road just yards outside a gate that held life, answers and salvation as found in 2 Kings 7:4. They were at the very entrance to a city which flourished, so it seemed, with food, sustenance, and life-giving supplies, yet they were not allowed to enter. When someone had leprosy at that time, they could not live within city limits for fear of contaminating others as well as it being the law.

However, they could not take any more of the decaying situation in which they knew that if they did nothing, they would simply die on the side of the road. They did not allow the stupefying effect of complacency and apathy to drag them to a grave only yards from their salvation. Instead, they did something about it! The got up from sitting and dying on the side of the road.

The four Lepers said, "If we say, ‘We will enter the city,’ then the famine is in the city and we will die there; and if we sit here, we die also. Now therefore come, and let us go over to the camp of the Arameans. If they spare us, we will live; and if they kill us, we will but die… They arose…" (2 Kings 7:4-5 NASB)

Making a Difference

Just recently, a real-life superhero has emerged in the media – Phoenix Jones Crime Fighter!

As reported by the Seattle Times and KIROTV, Benjamin John Francis, AKA Crime Fighter Phoenix Jones, is reported to be a real-life superhero. Unlike Spiderman or other crime fighters who have supernatural powers, this crime fighter, as he stated, is “just like everyone else."

This man has done what every one of us is commanded to do by the Lord.

After taking his Hero mask off to present himself to those who wanted to know just who this masked-man was, Phoenix courageously says, "I'm Phoenix Jones. I'm also Ben Fodor. I'm a father. I'm also a brother. I'm just like everyone else. The only difference is, I decided to make a difference and stop crime in my neighborhood and my area."
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What are WE doing about the crimes against marriage that is being spread like butter across this great nation? Are we just sitting idly by, soaking in the blessings, hiding behind spiritual bushes, hoping – and praying – that we do not have to become active, involved and engaging the enemy?

The End Is Not Near – It's Here

Everywhere you look, traditional marriage and Christianity is one step shy of complete, biblical persecution.

Boycotts, political posturing, bully-pulpits, church under-the-table provisions, out-and-out gay churches and ministers flourishing, and our very own Obama administration that has promised to advance the anti-Christian marriage stance and push ahead every LGBT agenda that would not simply "co-exist" alongside traditional marriage, but would completely wipe out marriage altogether.

It is happening all around, including infiltrating many large churches and their doctrinal teaching and perspectives – the allowance and "tolerance" of anti-Christian elements.

We're not talking about style and theological differences here – we're talking directly about the very things that God Himself abhors and disdains which are being introduced, allowed and spread within a growing faction of Christian churches, ministries and churches all across America.

National Organization for Marriage (NOM) has reported, "SSM proponents are actively persuading legislators in ‘blue’ states that there is no real political risk in voting for gay marriage, despite what the polls say. And they will push the battle where pro-family forces are weakest: the Northeast and West Coast. Legislators in several of these states have already adopted marriage-like civil unions or domestic partnerships, with little or no political fallout."

The group continues, "An openly gay councilman from Queens asked the city’s Department of Education to buy new textbooks. The curriculum would be similar to one that will be taught in California beginning next year, where a new law mandates instruction on the contributions of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people to the social sciences. A petition drive to repeal the law failed to gather a significant number of signatures by today’s deadline."

NOM also reported how our nation is out of control in its attack of our marriages:

"For over a decade, Rose Marie has been a widely-respected Town Clerk in Ledyard, New York. She loves her job and goes out of her way to ensure that local government works well for the citizens of her small town.

But when New York legalized same-sex marriage, Rose Marie realized that if she had to certify those marriages, it would conflict with her Christian beliefs. She asked if a deputy could perform any same-sex marriages should the situation arise, and she was denied.

And now, Rose Marie's job is being threatened, all because, as she tells it, ‘I just want to respect the God I worship.’"


Whenever God's people have been pressured, beaten, and had their backs against the wall, it's always been the ripe opportunity for God to display His handiwork by showing His power through His people.

As the dark gets darker, the brightness will always get brighter.

We cannot overemphasize the need to stand up, stand out and fight back against the tides of evil. Not just simply by praying, but actually getting involved, speak up, and speak out for what is right.

Our voice really can be heard, but we must unite in our stance for marriage and as our bible tells us, not to be "afraid of what man can do."

Our summation of our plea for Christians, leaders, couples, and all those who hold dear the values of marriage – traditional marriage – is wrapped up by NOM's last words in an article, "We need to fight back! Because this is just the beginning – there are literally dozens and possibly hundreds of outrageous stories to tell!" And creating "a community of Americans who adhere to the core Gospel value: "Be not afraid!"

Mike and Trisha Fox are Christian marriage coaches and authors of Marriage For Today: A Practical Guide for Couples. To find out more visit:

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