3 Things You Should Know About the New International Religious Freedom Bill

Congress has passed an international religious freedom bill named after a recently retired Congressman who is a fervent advocate for persecuted Christians and other religious minorities around the world.
The Honorable Frank R. Wolf, who represented Virginia's 10th Congressional district since 1981 and is a devout Presbyterian, retired last year. He is a widely respected human rights defender and champion of religious minorities and prisoners of conscience in oppressive states.
"18 years ago, [Frank Wolf] had the foresight to make advancing the right to religious freedom a high U.S. foreign policy priority. It is largely because of his efforts that religious freedom is taken seriously as a foreign policy issue. I had the distinct honor and pleasure of working with him for over thirty years. This bill is a fitting tribute to his work and service to our great nation," said lead co-sponsor of the bill Congressman Chris Smith on his website Monday.
Here are 3 Things you should know about the Frank Wolf International Religious Freedom Act of 2015.