This Deployed Dad Sends His Baby Girl A Heartwarming Surprise – It Will Bring You to Tears!

A military father was out on deployment and decided to send his little girl a present back home. When she received it she was jumping with joy. But she knew that the teddy bear couldn't replace her daddy.
That's when something incredible happens! It's hard to imagine how it feels when someone you love is away on a deployment. Only people that have been through it can really explain what it feels like. In this video, a loving father sends his baby girl a teddy bear that speaks a message. It says "I love you baby girl" and she falls in love with it instantly. The talking bear was her best friend.
But, as time went on, she missed her real dad. When you hear this hero family's story you're going to need tissues! This is a heartwarming ad really touches your heart.
Check it out below: