Tina Campbell Exclusive: Singer on Hosting Special Event That Discusses New Projects, Marriage and Other Life Issues

Tina Campbell overcame her husband's nine infidelities last year and watched God heal her brokenness one year later.
The Mary Mary gospel singer recently spoke to The Christian Post about a special night she created where she will preview her upcoming book, solo music and testimony at her church for "An Evening With Tina Campbell" Saturday.
"I figured I would create the model or create the event, create what God gave me to give to the world and we'll just see what He does with it. I mean I really wanted to share with people what He's done," Tina told The Christian Post. "When people go through devastating scenarios in their lives they go through a great transformation. Sometimes I'm singing that, sometimes I'm saying that, sometimes I'm praying and confessing that. That's what I'll do on Nov. 22."
The event will take place at Tina's home church, In His Presence church, located in Woodland Hills, California. However, it was never Tina's intention to create solo music or author a book, much less head the unique event.
"I went through my challenges that I went through last year with infidelity. In the process of writing journals to God, I ended up writing a book that I didn't know I was writing," she told CP. "Once I finished, God started downloading all of this music into me and I knew that God gave it to me to give it away. I knew when it came time to give it away, I didn't want to just do things as usual."
The singer does not plan to release her new material until next year, but knew that she wanted to create a new means of previewing her music and book while sharing her testimony. Although she became well known as a singer in the Mary Mary gospel duo with her sister Erica whom she also shares a WE tv reality series with, Tina is hoping to touch people in a different way with her event.
She insists both males and females can enjoy the event, along with people of all ages.
"We talk about life issues, things that happened in your childhood, business, family and things that devastate your life. We are not just focusing on marriage at all because the sum of my life and the sum of my journey is not just my marriage, that's just what ignited it all," Tina told CP. "So it's for everybody who wants to become better, who wants to grow, who wants to learn, who wants to figure out how can I actually be honest and be stronger when it's all over? It's for all of us."
Although the event is for everybody, Tina believes the men in attendance will especially be blessed to hear her husband speak.
"I tell you that men will be blown away to hear my husband speak about what his journey consists of because my husband is just as candid as I am. We don't believe in being embarrassed or ashamed or whatever," she told CP. "If you open yourself up to God and give Him your total truth, He will give you His total blessing. That's what we did and that's what God did."
For Tina, it is important to surround herself with other people of God in worship experiences, which she hopes to provide in her own unique way at her home church Saturday.
"The Bible says the devil is roaming like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. He comes to steal, kill and destroy," Tina said. "I think every opportunity that we get to be surrounded by other worshippers, surrounded by other people of faith who are encouraging us and reminding us of scripture and stories of how amazing God is not just when you're broken."
No matter how many people attend the event, Tina is focused on making it successful in the eyes of God.
"If everybody that leaves, no matter if it's 10 people or 100 people or we fill up the whole building with 1,000 ... if everybody in here that leaves says, 'I've never been to anything like this and my life has been changed forever,' then it is successful," she told CP. "If people leave there saying, 'I've never been to anything like this ... I'm going to get in that Bible and find out what this Jesus, what this Christ, and what this Christian thing is all about then it is successful."
After publicly battling the death of her father and husband's infidelities in public forums last year, the singer insists that she and her husband are living proof that modern day miracles still happen.
"I know God opened up the Red Sea for the children of Israel, He kept the three Hebrew boys from getting burned up in the fire, He kept Daniel from getting eaten by that lion, but He also kept Tina and Teddy from a broken marriage and He did it in one year," Tina said. "That is a modern day miracle. So anybody who can come to experience that God is still doing miracles, God is still proving Himself, the Bible is still real and it can still work in your life, I would think that anybody can be encouraged by that."
For more information about this event, please click here.