War on Women Rages On, but Not the One the Media Promotes

On January 20, President-elect Donald J. Trump will be inaugurated the 45th President of the United States. Many are scratching their heads wondering, "How did this happen?" Others look to the new administration in hopes of a better tomorrow.
The pro-life positions set forth by President-elect Trump give us hope for the day when we will see an end to the era of death in a mother's womb. But until that time comes, the war on women continues.
Our culture wages a very real war on women everyday by defining a woman's worth and purpose by all the wrong standards — namely, "reproductive rights." Liberal ideology cleverly disguises what it really thinks: that women are nothing more than what happens in the bedroom.
We can see this perspective in the Women's March on Washington, an Inauguration Day rally sponsored by Planned Parenthood, the Center for Reproductive Rights, Pussy Hat Project and Lady Parts Justice (among others). Claiming that "our communities are hurting and scared" from the results of a democratic election, organizers plan to demonstrate rather than respectfully observe the peaceful transfer of power.
Since 1973, our womanhood has been traded for a handful of birth control pills, the "privilege" to degrade ourselves in Playboy, and the "right" to abort our children. But American women are so much more — we're smart, nurturing, fully capable of handling any task set in front of us, endowed with the natural ability to promote and encourage life.
Now that's the kind of real womanhood to pass on to our daughters. Thanks in part to strong women surrounding the President-elect (his senior counselor Kellyanne Conway, senior advisors like Governor Nikki Haley, Marjorie Dannenfelser of Susan B. Anthony List, and others), we see a path for the new administration to enact policies that defend and protect women and life.
President-elect Trump's specific pro-life commitments include nominating an originalist justice to the Supreme Court, enacting the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, codifying the Hyde Amendment (to eliminate taxpayer dollars in support of abortions), and defunding Planned Parenthood. For these policies to be enacted, we need to hear voices raised within the House and Senate in defense of innocent lives.
As the new Congress and White House enter office on a pro-life platform, pulling government funding of Planned Parenthood may well be early on the agenda. Naturally, the abortion giant is scared with the prospect of federal defunding, along with state legislatures who have passed laws to keep their public funds from Planned Parenthood.
This policy is based on upholding human dignity for women and every life. Respect for women, their bodies, and the unborn children within their wombs stands in stark contrast to the abortion industry—which is in the business of death.
Lies from the abortion industry to entice women to their side continue. Whether it's falsehoods about a new Texas policy on fetal burial, twisting of the Pope's words, or promotion of pro-abortion celebrities, don't be surprised that these efforts to legitimize and glamorize Planned Parenthood are getting louder.
Over the years, Planned Parenthood has gone to great lengths to convince Americans that abortion is just a tiny part of what they offer women. Just 3% of their business!
However, if it's such a small part of their services, why won't Planned Parenthood just announce they're going to stop performing abortions? Then they could continue doing whatever it is they say they do with 97% of their budget for the good of women (which does not include mammograms). Why? Simply because abortions are a moneymaker — far more than 3 percent of their revenue, even the Washington Post admits.
Recent pro-abortion research falsely claiming abortion has no mental health impact on women is being pushed down our throats. The data is being used to argue the non-existence of post-abortion syndrome. Yet from personal experience, and a deep dive into statistical research, ample evidence exists that abortion harms women.
On December 13, Americans United for Life issued a 200-page report documenting how 227 abortion providers in 32 states have been cited for more than 1,400 health and safety deficiencies between 2008 and 2016.
The report concludes: "The abortion industry willingly sacrifices women's health and safety in their 'back alley' clinics, prioritizing mere access to abortion over women's health and safety. Women's health and safety must not be held hostage by an abortion industry willing to put profit over people."
This growing public health crisis in America's abortion clinics endangers women. Substandard treatment, indifference, negligence, and desperate calls left unanswered by abortionists who had already left the state continue to put women's health at risk.
Sadly, women's pleas are being ignored. The media turns a blind eye to the abortion industry and its victims, instead continuing to peddle a narrative that pro-life elected officials are waging a "war on women." Watch for further twisting of words in this highly charged environment.
We must stay engaged, holding tightly to our principles over and above blind loyalty to any party or personality. Hidden agendas are often present in both parties. I've found that the most effective government involvement is led by prayer, seeking God for how He would have us speak and act.
Then do it — that's creating change that really matters.