'War Room' actor TC Stallings shares wisdom for combating Satan's lies

“War Room” actor T.C. Stallings has identified specific ways the armor of God can combat the lies and deception of Satan, warning that Christians can “never stop being prepared” for attacks from the evil one.
“We are constantly under attack and we always will be,” the Christian actor stressed in a recent episode of his “TCS Live” podcast. “The spiritual battle for our souls, the spiritual battle for our minds and for the direction of our life, is one that never, ever stops. … If that’s the case, then we can never stop being ready for it, we can never stop being prepared for it, but has to be talked about.”
The Bible gives believers a “battle plan” and a “scout report” on Satan, sin and evil to fight the enemy, the former football player said.
“The Bible says our struggle is not against flesh and blood,” he said. “And this is very, very important because a lot of times we ... focus on the natural and the things that we can see with our eyes.”
Satan doesn’t care if his victories are “small or large,” Stallings said, “as long as he's consistently getting in there and making things difficult … those little bitty jabs are not to be taken lately.”
In Ephesians, the Bible said to “put on the full armor of God,” the “My Brother’s Keeper” actor said, adding: “The main thing is, just don’t leave any of it out … every piece of this armor is so important. … Sin usually attacks your weaknesses, the things you leave unprotected.”
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Because Satan fights with lies, the belt of truth is crucial," Stallings added.
“It’s obvious that Scripture uses a belt … because it holds everything together,” he said. “Truth holds everything together; believing God’s truth and not Satan’s lies — that’s what holds us up.”
The breastplate of righteousness, Stallings said, is what protects the believer from falling into despair and believing Satan’s lies that the Christian life is “too hard.”
“God sees you through the lens of His Son Jesus Christ. You are right with Him because of that relationship,” Stallings said. “Understanding that your righteousness comes from Christ is vital to your ability to be able to fight this battle against Satan, because if you don't understand that, it's going to be really hard to protect your heart.”
Listen to Stallings break it all down on “TCS Live” (subscribe here).
The former athlete also highlighted the importance of standing “with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the Gospel of peace.”
“Here’s Satan in your head all the time trying to get you to just not want to share the good news for whatever reason,” he said, “or, you get all these different new teachings and some people will say, ‘Hey I've evolved in my thinking. I don't really think this chapter was saying that. I don't think Paul really meant that right there. I don't think Jesus really meant what He was saying right there. … God gives us the motivation to continue to proclaim the true peace that God gives to Scripture, no matter what.”
Listen to Stallings’ weekly inspiration on his “TCS Podcast.”
The shield of faith, he said, protects the Christian from the flaming arrows of the evil one: “It’s faith in His sovereignty, it’s faith in Jesus Christ, and his leadership and lordship over our lives. It’s faith in the Holy Spirit … and how it helps us to know how to live this life. … You don’t deviate from that.”
And the helmet of salvation, he added, protects the Christian from allowing Satan to invade their minds: “If Satan can get in your head, and control the way you think ... it's going to control so many things that you do,” from pornography addiction to other sins, Stallings said.
“He can have you thinking in all kinds of different ways, and he'll use all kinds of things to do it, whether it's music or television shows or movies or other people, ... he's got so many weapons,” he said. “That's why we have to protect our head with the helmet of salvation.”
The sword of the spirit is the “only offensive weapon” listed in Ephesians, Stallings added, indicating the importance of using Scripture to fight off the lies of Satan.
“We don't have to sit here and just stay protected. We can also go on the attack. And we can go on the attack with Scripture,” he said.
Finally, prayer is the final piece of the armor, because prayer is “how you are going to be guided with all of this armor you put on,” the actor concluded.
“The way we keep the battle plan here, as Christians, is we stay in prayer and talk to Jesus, talk to the Lord,” he said.
Listen to Stallings break it all down on “TCS Live” (subscribe here).