Web Users Want to Know: 'Why Do Christian Women Cheat, Wear Skirts, Cover Their Heads?'
Popular search engines Google, Yahoo and Bing use what's called predictive search, and when queried "why do Christian women…" the search engines reveal that online users appear to be most curious about Christian women's relationship and clothing habits.
As most Web users know, once a person starts typing into the search box of Google, Bing or Yahoo, an auto-complete feature predicts what a user's search query will be, deploying a dropdown list of suggestions as he or she types. The algorithm is based on popular or common online searches.
Testing the predictive feature with the phrase "why do Christian women…" showed that Internet users have lots of questions about Christian women, particularly about why they cover their hair or heads; wear skirts; and...cheat.

Why Do Christian Women Cover Their Heads?
Although views on the practice of head coverings for women differ among Christian traditions, most point to 1 Corinthians 11, which states in verses 5-6 that a woman "who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head…" What the passage means, and whether its instructions are applicable for women today has long been a point of debate among Christians.
Why Do Christian Women Wear Skirts?
The point of reference for this issue, also up for debate among Christians, is Deuteronomy 22:5: "A woman must not wear men's clothing, nor a man wear women's clothing, for the Lord your God detests anyone who does this." While some Christian traditions teach that women should not wear pants/trousers, others insist that the Bible reference was to a pagan practice. The question is, according to one source, is the issue of modesty.
Why Do Christian Women Cheat?
While there don't appear to be any clear cut answers to this question, some suggestions include a woman having unrealistic expectations of her husband, ignorance and immaturity when dealing with conflicts and challenges, and a husband failing to help keep the romance alive in marriage. Some other suggestions offered online include: husbands spending more time at church than at home; husbands spending more time with parishioners than with their wives; husbands who make their homes an extension of their churches.